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  • Are you not able to open the client? Try following our getting started guide
  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
  • Help! My bot doesn't do anything! Enable fresh start in client settings and restart the client
  • How to purchase with PayPal/OSRS/Crypto gold? You can purchase vouchers from other users
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    (1 review)
    • First month
      From 7.50 USD
    • Renewal
      0.00 USD/month
    Author: @Nuclear Nezz
    Med version of GRevs - Kills up to and including Orks. Up to 4m gp/hr
    See the thread for more information: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/26882-grevs-just-click-start-easy-setup-500k-8m-gp-per-hour-quickstart-supported

      This is the limit of DreamBot client instances you can run at one time with this script. For example, if you purchase the "5 Active Instances" limit, you can only run this script on a maximum of 5 clients at one time. It is not linked to in game characters. Purchases do stack, so you can purchase multiple quantities of different limits and they will increase your limit by that amount.

      Learn more about instance limited scripts here.

      IMPORTANT: VIP or Sponsor is REQUIRED to run more than 2 accounts at a time, even if you purchase more than 2 instances for this script!

      You can either pay month by month, or save in the long term with a lifetime purchase.

    About GRevsMed

    Author: @Nuclear Nezz

    Med version of GRevs - Kills up to and including Orks. Up to 4m gp/hr


    See the thread for more information: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/26882-grevs-just-click-start-easy-setup-500k-8m-gp-per-hour-quickstart-supported


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