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  • timeisworth1

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    1. awesome!, just fyi as well, the script has a bug where if the imcando hammer or amy's saw is equipped in the off hand; the bot doesn't recognize it and breaks down. the script will then go to the g.e and attempt to buy the untradable item from the g.e then freeze. if restocking isn't allowed the script will just log out and say out of materials with no restocking enabled. If the items are equipped in the main hand the bot recognizes it and all is fine. just something to note
    2. Are you able to make it so the script doesn't reset rune stack back to 1k of each every time it banks, and instead goes until it runs out of runes? would a bit of time over the long run. Would also be nice to have lunar support for npc contact spell! only things stopping me from getting lifetime!
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