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  • runehalberd

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    Everything posted by runehalberd

    1. Very happy with it so far I did want to report a bug however where the bots get stuck trying to get to the spinning wheel on Sheep's Shearer. If the door is closed they will keep clicking the wheel over and over and not click the door first to get in. Edit: They are also getting stuck during Pirate's Treasure when going into the storeroom with the message saying you need to be an employee. It might be worth adding a check for this message because if I restart the script they will do what they need to do to fix it.
    2. @Pandemic I tried to get around this by making quickstart json files for each account but am getting the following error when the account is getting imported. I have confirmed my ip is not blocked by importing an account normally in the DB client and by logging in to the official client. I have also tried running with a proxy and get the same error. Any ideas on what could be happening here? Here is the -json file I passed in:
    3. Hello, I am trying to use the Bulk Import feature to import Jagex accounts but they are still trying to login with username and pass whenever a script is ran. I formatted the .txt file like so: osrsusername1:email1:password1:bank_pin1:totp1 osrsusername2:email2:password2:bank_pin2:totp2 I was hoping that the importer would notice either emails being used or totp being provided and then treat them as Jagex accounts. Is this supported? Am I just doing it wrong? Thanks
    4. I wanted to make a simple Paint utility that is customizable and easy to use. This tool will create a grid structure full of cells, each of which can contain text such as script run time, xp gained, script status, etc. You define the layout of the grid, set the style of the cells, and can update them as your script runs. Note that this was originally written in Kotlin and the Java code is untested and auto-generated so you may have to do some work converting it to Java 🙂. Usage Kotlin Java These are the customizable properties: GridPainter: show - toggle display on/off x - left position of the grid y - top position of the grid cellWidth cellHeight cellBorderColor - color of the lines that border each cell Cell: name - name of the cell used for indexing and updating/removing data - the string to display in the cell prefixWithName - if true, will prefix the display string with "$name: " bgColor - background color of the cell textColor font - text Font() object span - int for how many columns this cell will span Sources GridPainter.kt Cell.kt GridPainter.java Cell.java
    5. runehalberd's deiron - Iron Man Status Removal Tool [add script] Description This script will automatically take you to the Iron Man Tutor and request removal of Iron Man status. Once requested, you will have to wait 7 days until the status is removed. This script is useful for bulk iron accounts that were bought on the cheap. Features Account Types: all types of Iron Man statuses are supported, even Group Iron Men How to use Simply start it up!
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