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  • PorkyPie

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    Everything posted by PorkyPie

    1. You will need to create a new Jagex account and then create a character under that. You should then be able to import it into the dreambot client using the steps below (currently in BETA and I haven't tested it myself yet). Step1 Step2
    2. (+ 1) I agree Not changing it to this would get flagged at code review stage in an enterprise environment. Furthermore you can increase the code quality by removing the magic numbers such as: getWidgetChild(270, 15) and sleep(500,1000) Imagine how hard it would be to maintain a large script if those widget numbers changed. At a minimum you could wrap the getWdigetChild in a method which describes the widget you are getting and reuse that. For the sleep put the 500,1000 into variables such as minSleep and maxSleep. Examples: int maxSleep = 1000; int minSleep = 500; private WidgetChild getCookWidget() { Widgets.getWidgetChild(270, 15); } private void exampleMethodWithSleep() { //code Sleep(minSleep, maxSleep); //code } Also if you find the need to add comments, generally in 90% of cases, your code isn't readable and therefore can be improved so you don't need comments.
    3. Not sure I understand the question? This script is just picking the grain. What you do with it after is up to you?
    4. The best thing you can do to get the quickest response without waiting is to check the JavaDoc. Understanding how to use and read it is super powerful. For example a simple search of “WorldType” and “World.” returns all the world types that they can be and the different functions associated with them.
    5. If anyone has any stats images they want to share from running the bot, I am happy to include them in the main post. Dm me
    6. Just wondering if anyone has any feedback from using this script thanks?
    7. My current script wasn't waiting till the player had loaded in correctly after hopping worlds. After only being able to find this achieved thread using the search feature (which didn't have a working solution), I thought I would create a tutorial for a way I found that works reliably well. I think this is the correct state to check, as the JavaDocs don't mention what each state is actually for, but correct me if I am wrong 😅. Hope this helps someone. Example usage:
    8. Porkyz Picking Wheat F2P Latest Version - 1.4 Features: Picking Wheat Banking Wheat Limits Settings Stats Enemy NPC Detection Multiple "locations" Semi-realistic human picking Requirements: Empty inventory Can walk, but best to start near location selected in settings menu Setup Help: Media: (Note the Grain p/h screenshot above is with breaks) - Can achieve 1000 p/h without breaks. Stats: Currently looking for users stat pictures of running this script for long periods of time.
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