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  • anomalous

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    Everything posted by anomalous

    1. Hello, new guy here. I thought I'd start by sharing my experience of completing a functional DB3 script using GPT-4. It's a simple random walk script that sends you wandering about aimlessly, but it works. The challenge was to get GPT-4 to do it instead of lecturing me about the immorality of botting video games and violating the publisher's TOS. It turns out all I had to do was to tell GPT-4 that I am just a student learning to code in Java and that I'm only using a private OSRS server. I was no longer reminded of my moral inferiority after this. 😂 An additional challenge was to get GPT-4 to stop using deprecated code. Without careful prompting, it will produce DB2 code. Once all that was sorted out, here's what it came up with: import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Area; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.impl.Walking; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import java.util.Random; @ScriptManifest(author = "YourName", category = Category.MISC, name = "Random Walker", version = 1.0) public class TestScript extends AbstractScript { private final Area gameWorld = new Area(3000, 3000, 3300, 3300); // Define the area of the game world where the bot will walk @Override public int onLoop() { // Simulate human-like random sleep if (randomSleep()) { return Calculations.random(3000, 6000); // Sleep for 3 to 6 seconds } // Walk to a random tile within the game world Walking.walk(gameWorld.getRandomTile()); // Sleep for a random time to mimic human behavior return Calculations.random(1000, 2000); // Sleep for 1 to 2 seconds } private boolean randomSleep() { int number = new Random().nextInt(100); // Generate a random number between 0 and 99 if (number < 5) { // 5% chance to sleep log("Random sleep!"); Mouse.moveOutsideScreen(true); // Move mouse outside of screen return true; } return false; } }
    2. anomalous


      I used this to complete Ernest the Chicken and Cook's Assistant, I had already done Romeo and Juliet manually. Both quests were completed without me having to intervene at all. Notes: During Ernest the Chicken, I was attacked by multiple NPCs. It might be nice if the script started running instead of walking when this happens. Also, the client status bar at one point indicated that the script threw an error and that I should contact the publisher of the script. I don't know what the error was, but it didn't prevent the script from successfully completing the quest. 🎵🎵 Who likes fault tolerance? I do, I do. 🎵🎵 During Cook's Assistant, actually right before the initial dialog was opened, there was a "can't reach this location" message (or something to that effect.) It seems that there was a mis-click or something, but again this did not prevent the script from successfully completing the quest. Thanks again for a useful script!
    3. Seems to work well enough. It would be nice if it emptied your initial inventory into the bank before withdrawing the tinder box and logs. Also, adding an option to loot the ashes would be great. Selling ashes at the GE is a great way for new accounts to build up an initial bankroll. The ashes are worth quite a bit more than the logs (100+ gold each) Another suggestion: setting up fires in a long straight line in a heavily trafficked area is obvious botting behavior. It might be better to move to the same wooded areas that woodcutters go to, and randomly arrange the fires around some central point instead of running them in a straight line. This looks more natural, and also makes it easier to loot the ashes. Seems like a good start, though. I've been able to get a bunch of firemaking levels out of it. Thanks for the script!
    4. Do I have to be in a particular place for this to work? I've completed tutorial island and I'm hanging around the GE. Do I need to go back to Lumbridge?
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