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  • Kasper67

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    Everything posted by Kasper67

    1. If someone from dreambot could actually look into this that would be great. No I didn’t buy an account, yes it’s my original account I’ve had for years.I literally ran the script and saw the items disappear from my character. They weren’t dropped and I couldn’t find them. Everything was of high value. My account was logged into several times while at work after the first incident as well and that’s when I got scammed even worse. I did save my password for login on the dreambot client. It’s awfully odd how even more of my stuff got stolen a second time after I changed all my passwords both game and email and I was using Authenticator as well. It’s also weird how the script only took my valuables equipped on my character. If it was some glitch or something it would have jacked up everything. 20 years of RuneScape gameplay, and never hacked until I started using dreambot. It’s funny how some people on here says oh that can’t happen, well …………… of course it fucking can.You got guys smart enough to write mastermind scripts, you think they aren’t capable of stealing shit from peoples accounts by hacking them? You also have multiple users who just randomly got all there shit of value took away from their accounts after using dreambot. Their might be one guy who works for another bot site or some shit trying to make y’all look bad but your not going to have a shit tone of people telling you they got their shit stolen for no damn reason. Be logical here, someone is fucking people over bad and eventually someone is going to take some kind of legal action.If you don’t think people are taking advantage of people whether it’s this website and it’s client or the people writing the scripts then your dick is loose.
    2. First of all bud, I wouldn’t waste my time writing this to get a rise out of your ass. Second, if you ever worked a skilled trade with your hands 60 hours a week you want to wind down when you get home. I wind down and get my mind off of things by playing OSRS. You obviously aren’t a working man. How about you get your fat ass out of your mom’s basement and come say that liar shit to my face? Nobody likes a dumb fuck who thinks something can’t happen to anyone else just because it hasn’t happened to them. You have zero intelligence.
    3. I wouldn’t waste my time on here posting this for no reason. You folks are clearly blind if you don’t see that someone from dreambot is hacking accounts. My new bank pin request was canceled as well. I saw the damn script get rid of all the valuable items on my character. Don’t be ignorant and think that this website doesn’t have corrupted people writing scripts and people who work for it that hack accounts. Every business has those people. That’s how the world works unfortunately bud. There’s a shit ton of people on dream bot forums that have claimed to be scammed. Are you truly dumb enough to think all these people are lying? How stupid must you be? Get off your damn high horse and look into it yourself unless you’re in on it which at this point you sound like you are. Your in denial bud.
    4. My account has been hacked twice and bad hacked. 700m plus hacked. What the hell is wrong with these people? I thought this was a safe site? I have changed passwords multiple times. Maybe they breached my email? Idk how to make it stop? I have only used two scripts on here, DREAMY AIO SKILLER ELITE AND Sub Account Builder V2 Lifetime. I know for fact sub account builder v2 scammed me because I saw the application ditch my bandos tassels and chest plate. I thought at first something glitched out on the script but after twice now and it only being valuable items that can be sold on GE. It pisses me off greatly. I work 60 hours a week busting my ass working on heavy equipment and I come home, log on and see that I have been scammed not once but twice since using dream bot. Never been hacked on OSRS until I started using dream boat and I have played since the game came out.
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