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  • Doqshit

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    1. Account got banned for using this. Be careful guys, and i only used the free trial. It didn't work that well either. So use at your own risk.
    2. I legit have an account that used no other wc script besides this, same world every day 8-9 hours a day. 60-92 wc at yews in edge 92-94wc at magics at wc guild and no ban. The issue i think a lot of people have is they make their accounts obvious. If all you do is wc you'll be spotted. Take some breaks, train other skills, do some quests, log in and chat with people. Make yourself seem not like a bot, i also usually hide script paint so i can see public chat and ill talk randomly to others nearby. This script has got me to 94 wc no issues. So maybe it's not the script it's how often you're running it.
    3. Is there any way to make it stop logging out randomly? I have set breaks, but it auto logs my account out and logs back in randomly and often , probably once every ten minutes or so. It's frustrating because I can't figure out how to make it stop.
    4. Would love some info on how to fix this, where the bit would pick up the nests.
    5. Can this do redwoods at wc guild and bank the logs? i've been having a hard time with even paid scripts doing this.
    6. Everything works very well so far, i've got to 92 wc on an alt, 60-92 doing yews. Now that i'm in members doing magic logs i turned on loot bird nest option and it doesn't even pick the nests up. I've noticed everytime i see the bird nest message i have no nests or loots from nest in the bank.
    7. When paused or stopped the bot still forces me back to last set spot and continues to cut logs, it doesn't stop unless i start another script or completely exit out of the client and restart.
    8. When starating a task it uses my accounts total xp towards the xp/hour, greatly changing the accuracy of the xp/hr. Besides that and it having relatively the same pattern when banking it works pretty smooth. Thanks.
    9. Would be super helpful if you could add an option to bury the bones. Otherwise, working smoothly so far. Thanks!
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