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  • SS Dreamboat

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    1. Script works really well for cooking, just started trying to make wines... is there a reason you have it set to let xp drop before starting next batch of wines? Really slows it down. Other than that, works well thanks! oops, i missed the checked box where it says "wait for exp drops". Disregard above comment, thanks again!!!
    2. Thanks Kassis, appreciate all the responses. What program do you use to code these scripts btw? I'm interested in making some of my own but don't know where to start. Thanks!
    3. https://imgtr.ee/i/image.vcNSs Try that link, I wasn't able to upload a photo directly to the dreambot website for some reason. As you can see in the photo, the "start script" button is off the scree, and I am unable to adjust the size or scroll the window. Thanks!
    4. Thanks for putting it out, script interface is a lot easier to follow than many of the other free ones I see. One big issue though, and I'm not sure if it's just my system... the initialization window that allows you to start the script is locked in size, and the "start script" button is off the page for me. I'm unable to start the script. Thanks!
    5. Ran it for about 4 hours, works pretty well. I will say, every once in awhile, it just pauses and doesn't do anything for the rest of the round. Sometimes as high as 45%. So efficiency is a little rough, but overall, great script!! Thank you for putting it out Also, noticed it will sit and try to light brazier repeatedly even if necromancer is downed... not sure how you would change your script to prevent that but figured i'd mention it. thanks again Sometimes, the bot also gets stuck at the brazier with a full inventory of kindling.
    6. Yeah, May 10th... once an inventory is used, it stops doing anything and just sits there. Hopefully it gets fixed soon excited to use it!!
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