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  • svensson

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    1. Why is nothing being done? If the script author isn't responding and hasnt been online for months, its probably because he doesent wish to fix it. Remove it from the SDN. @Hashtag
    2. Were you able to get in contact with him?
    3. https://imgur.com/5f6parR There you go. Added the link in case this one breaks too
    4. Dreambot has HWID spoofing. Jagex can't detect if you're using a proxy, but they probably run some kind of proxy score check. If you just use high quality ISP proxies you wont have any issues.
    5. On the initial startup of the script, it will buy the items needed for all the clue steps. Right now it gets stuck on buying the pointed blue bruise snelm and keeps looping on the purchase as you can see it bought over 300 of them before i noticed Since i havent been able to get in contact with Pyfa for months, and he hasnt been online on the forums since november. I thought this is the correct place to post. Hope you're able to reach out to him - because i could not get a response.
    6. feel free to contact me about this
    7. Quick nice easy and cheap :D

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