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  • Neks

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    Everything posted by Neks

    1. Neks

      BlastFurnance Widget

      Thanks. This is it
    2. Neks

      BlastFurnance Widget

      Sorry... one last question. Can you tell me how to enter input? I was looking for a solution in javadocs and some github repos of V2.... but still no idea how to solve Keyboard seems to have no way to enter data. Only keys to hold down. Widget I haven't found anything either. Dialog only knows the validation Dialogues.canEnterInput
    3. Neks

      BlastFurnance Widget

      Thanks. int coins = PlayerSettings.getBitValue(5357); Logger.log(coins); This works for me. How to use: https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/api/playersettings/#varbits
    4. Hey, i tried to validate the coffer coin value by validate the widget and get by Widget w =Widgets.getWidget(474); if(w != null) { WidgetChild wc = w.getChild(2); if(wc != null) { wc.getChild(3); } Logger.log(wc.getText()); } Sadly the widget does not contain a valid value of stored coins.
    5. What is the preferred item for this script?
    6. Neks

      Rookie Doubt

      Hey, sorry i dont get it. What exactly is what you need? https://oldschoolrunescape.fandom.com/wiki/Zamorak_monk_bottom It doesn't seams to be a quest related item or smth like this.
    7. Hey, would u please provide more info about your issue. Have you already successfully launched the client? Is Java securely installed? What is the output of java -version? Please open the command line (cmd.exe /win+R -> cmd.exe) Type java -version If the version works please navigate to your user profile and start the client under C:\Users\Your Win user\Dreambot\BotData\client.jar If this doesn't work please start the cmd copy the above path and add a cd in front of it. "cd C:\..." Now execute in the folder java -jar client.jar. Now you have to get an output from the client.
    8. Neks

      Rune essence leaving

      Alright. Thank you very much! Edit: Tested your solution. Works as expected 👌
    9. Neks

      Rune essence leaving

      I have now run the script longer and noticed that the error occurs sporadically in different instances of Rune Mine. GameObjects just doesn't seem to contain the elements.
    10. Hey, I'm currently working on my own little essence rune miner. Sadly i'm struggling about the portal usage. Most of the time GamoObjects.closest will not detect the Portal. I tried debugging with .all(item -> item.getName().equal(Portal)) But the portal does not exists. If i'm walking manual and restart the script the detection works as well. My idea is to store all 4 Tiles and calculate the minimal distance to improve my object range. But ... it sounds really nasty. If anyone know a better way i will be happy to hear. Thanks. Edit: This is my current implementation of leaving runeessence. Portal canot be found randomly. If the script are not able to find the portal i'm also not able to find the portal on GameObjects.all(). Could it be a bug? package DBMiner; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.Inventory; import org.dreambot.api.methods.dialogues.Dialogues; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.GameObjects; import org.dreambot.api.script.TaskNode; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.GameObject; import javax.swing.text.html.parser.Entity; public class LeaveEssenceMine extends TaskNode { @Override public int priority() { return 4; } @Override public boolean accept() { return Inventory.isFull() && GameObjects.closest("Rune Essence") != null; } @Override public int execute() { if(Dialogues.canContinue()){ Dialogues.continueDialogue(); } GameObject portal = GameObjects.closest(item -> item.getName().equals("Portal")); if(portal == null) { portal =GameObjects.closest(item -> item.hasAction("Use")); } if(portal != null) { String[] action = portal.getActions(); portal.interact(); } return Calculations.random(3000); } }
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