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  • Or0

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    Everything posted by Or0

    1. Hey! This is a great script for the fight! I completed the quest with guester and I hoped this would come out. Good job on it. The only problem I run in to is that occasionally the script will decide to go to the bank. It gets stuck at the exit door where it prompts whether you are okay with losing all of the supply items youve created. Eventually it logs out, I'll log back in and accept the prompt manually, it exits the caves and then it will run to the bank nearby, fumble opening the bank and run back an forth between the mining symbol and the bank. If I manually intervene and open the bank, the script closes the bank and goes back to the caves and fights/loots without a problem. I don't know why it's failing to get to the bank or why its even trying to go there in the first place but outside of that it does the fights and looting flawlessly. Edit: Another time the script gets stuck is with the dragon hunter lance. I use it for a stab wep and itll get stuck "trying to switch style". It'll be on crush for some reason, and the script will stay stuck until I manually click the stab attack style. When laying traps for the geckos it will lay the first, click the second rock and then go back and click the first, sticking it in a loop until I intervene.
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