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  • BeepBoopBop

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    Everything posted by BeepBoopBop

    1. Haven't done much dev over the last two months, but I believe so. SDN doesn't support libraries in separate projects. You'll need to copy/paste the *.java files from your local libraries and include them with your SDN commit.
    2. Blasts in the northwest corner of the Blast Mine for 400k gp/h and 40k xp/h! This script single-handedly got my mining from 65 --> 85 while maintaining my bond costs. I figured I'd make this script public since I have no major need for it anymore Shorter proggy w/o breaks: 6hr proggy (w/ frequent breaks and around 80 mining): Account requirements: 43 mining (75+ recommended. Higher level = higher profit/xp) 100% Lovakengj favour Started Architectural Alliance Item requirements (in bank or inv): Chisel, tinderbox, dynamite (around 280/h) Stamina pots (If low on run energy, will take damage) Games Necklace w/ Wintertodt tp unlocked (If not in Kourend) Food (Accidental hits)
    3. Potentially hot take, but this is a good thing for DreamBot (as of right now). Since there haven't been any bans called out on the forums, we can assume that either they cannot detect DB, or they're "saving" for a big wave. After this update, some botters are probably hesitant to bot. They may wait a week or two to see if things are safe. Jagex could hold off on bans until that "safe waiting period" is over. If I were on the anti-botting team, that's probably what I'd do. But hell, I have no idea how competent they are. My money's on DB being not detectable.
    4. "CLIENT RENDERING DISABLED" means that you turned off client rendering. Open the options and uncheck "Disable Rendering".
    5. Doing incredibly precise tasks (i.e. tick-sensitive skilling) is probably more likely to get you banned. I would highly recommend sticking to slower, more human-like tasks. Efficiency is probably not worth a ban on an account (unless you're intentionally suiciding high-ban-rate tasks). Nobody knows specific ban-rates. There're too many factors to say for sure. If you bot, you risk getting banned. It's not inevitable, but there's always risk associated with it.
    6. All good! The Javadocs are great - if something seems harder than it should be, always check there.
    7. Combat.setCombatStyle(CombatStyle.*******); https://dreambot.org/javadocs/org/dreambot/api/methods/combat/Combat.html#setCombatStyle(org.dreambot.api.methods.combat.CombatStyle)
    8. Ah, wasn't aware of "getHullBounds().contains()". I'll give that a shot in a custom interaction event. Thanks!
    9. See the interacted-with wall (now a cavity) that happens after attempting to interact with a rock at a different tile. Based on a very small amount of testing, it might be more likely the more zoomed-out you are. CPU saver is not on
    10. Just using the normal .interact. I would use getCenterPoint with custom logic, but it doesn't really work here with the model shape :(. Here's a minimal reproducible script for the first case. Every once in a while, you'll undershoot and hit the incorrect rock. Set up your guy in the NW corner of the blast mine, compass due north, around the angle of the screenshot in the OP. PM me if you need an acc. Don't mind sharing password and changing it, if you need one. import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.methods.MethodProvider; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.GameObjects; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.Players; import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Tile; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.impl.Walking; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.GameObject; import java.util.List; @ScriptManifest(name = "Acc Interactor Test", description = "Testing interact accuracy", author = "BeepBoopBop", version = 1.0, category = Category.MINING, image = "") public class Main extends AbstractScript { enum AccState { MOVING, CLICKING, WAITING, } Tile testingTile = new Tile(1468, 3883); AccState getState() { GameObject testingRock = getRockAtTile(getTileForRock(5)); if (!Players.localPlayer().getTile().equals(testingTile)) { return AccState.MOVING; } else if (testingRock == null || !testingRock.exists()) { return AccState.WAITING; } else { return AccState.CLICKING; } } @Override public int onLoop() { AccState state = getState(); if (state == AccState.CLICKING) { GameObject hoverRock = getRockAtTile(getTileForRock(3)); GameObject testingRock = getRockAtTile(getTileForRock(5)); if (hoverRock != null && testingRock != null) { Mouse.move(hoverRock.getClickablePoint()); MethodProvider.sleep(500); if (testingRock.interact("Excavate")) { MethodProvider.sleep(10000); MethodProvider.log("Excavate successful"); } else { MethodProvider.log("Failed"); } } } else if (state == AccState.MOVING) { Walking.walkOnScreen(testingTile); MethodProvider.sleepUntil(() -> Players.localPlayer().getTile().equals(testingTile), 3000); } else if (state == AccState.WAITING) { return 1000; } return 100; } // Overcomplicated functions below - copied from actual script. private Tile getTileForRock(int rockNumber) { if (rockNumber == 1) return new Tile(1473, 3885); else if (rockNumber == 2) return new Tile(1471, 3886); else if (rockNumber == 3) return new Tile(1467, 3883); else if (rockNumber == 4) return new Tile(1468, 3884); else if (rockNumber == 5) return new Tile(1470, 3886); else return new Tile(1469, 3885); } private GameObject getRockAtTile(Tile t) { List<GameObject> rocks = GameObjects.all(obj -> obj.getName().equals("Hard rock") && obj.getTile().equals(t)); if (rocks.size() == 0) return null; else return rocks.get(0); } }
    11. I've been working on a blast mining script lately, but I'm getting extremely common misclicks even when my character/camera isn't moving. Any delay or re-interaction will slow the script down, potentially resulting in one of the blasts hitting my character. There are three cases that I've noticed a majority of the misclicks happening. First, the most common. Script is told to click on the rock in the green area, but it chooses to click on the hovered object about a third of the time: Second, also around a tenth of the time: And finally, the script will very frequently click on the man (while being told to click on the ore sack behind him) The issue isn't only here, though. In my private blast furnace script, it will commonly misclick the conveyor belt and click an NPC nearby, which is the exact same issue reported in Hashtag's script, despite being programmed by two entirely different people. I'm fine with programming redundancy and correcting, but it's really eating into the efficiency of some of my scripts. Let me know if videos would be better.
    12. One Blast Miner coming right up. Thanks for the idea
    13. My mistake. Something in my script is wrong, not sure what. Thanks for the reply
    14. At some point over the last few weeks, the web nodes allowing for web walking to navigate the staircases in lumby castle seem to have been removed. One function of my script banked at lumbridge and walked using web walking. This used to work, but appears to be broken now. No script is executing in the screenshots below, so no script would've removed these nodes accidentally.
    15. Not sure that this is right, but the javadocs has a magic number of 13 in the "next()" documentation.
    16. Hey folks, I was looking into how to better organize my projects for local script development, and Pandemic pointed me in the direction of Libraries (thank you!). Since there's very little documentation about how to go about doing this, I figured I'd walk through what I did to get it working. First, why use libraries? We all probably have some utility classes that we'd like to be available for all of our local scripts. For example, I have "Banker", "Walker", and "Talker" classes. Wouldn't it be great if these were available in all of my projects without having to copy/paste changes to all of my local scripts whenever I make a change? That's what libraries accomplish. Here's a list of steps I went through. This is going by memory, so apologies if I miss something crucial. Create a new DreamBot project. Its title should be the library title (E.g. mine is "BeepLibrary"). It doesn't need a main class, since we're not executing anything! Move all of your classes to the "Src" folder of this new project. If there are build errors, ensure you've imported the DreamBot library, and included all required classes. Go into Project Structure for your library project. Set the output directory to the "<Users>\...\DreamBot\Libs" folder. Build your project. You should see the jar file in the Libs directory. Open Project Settings for your local script projects. Add a new library - the .jar file you've exported to the Libs folder. Build your local script. If there are compile errors, you've done something wrong. You're almost there! In your local script's "src/" folder, create a file named "libs". In that file, the only line of text should be the name of the library you've created in step 1. As an example, my libs file contains "BeepLibrary.jar". Build your local script. Ensure no compile errors. Open the script manager. If the local script appears, you're good! Otherwise, open the Console and see if you can figure out where you've gone wrong. Happy scripting!
    17. Bumping this a bit - is there any way to create shared objects between several different DreamBot scripts? For example, I've created a wrapper object called "Banker" that makes my bank handling more simple from a programming end. Can I have one copy of Banker.java that is shared across all scripts?
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