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  • King Midas

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    Everything posted by King Midas

    1. Beautiful! Just gave it a try and worked perfect. Could this be added to the documentation? Fair enough on the rest being out of scope :-) Personally I wouldn't use any of those, just wanted to add some more brainstorming to the mix.
    2. This assumes a window title exists to start. This would allow 100% CLI without an interface (Good for server deployments).
    3. They're entirely different beasts. A VPN essentially takes your entire network communication and passes it all through another network, to then go out the other side to your end destination. Proxies are used on an *application* basis and must be configured as such. There are ways to set defaults (eg: In linux you can have ALL_PROXY or HTTP(S)_PROXY environment variables) but not all applications really respect it immediately, so there will likely be leaks. So when you have a VPN running and you open up a bot, runescape directly, your web browser, etc. - it will all be going through the VPN. Whereas if you're running a proxy, you must specifically tell each of those to use the proxy or else it will use your normal connection. The real purpose of a VPN is to allow you to have connection to another network; however masses market them as a privacy tool for anonymity. In IT you would want to use it so you can say "My corporate network is over here but it's inaccessible from the open internet, so I need to connect to my VPN first, and then I can access it" And for your final question: For DreamBot you need a SOCKS5 proxy.
    4. Was wondering if Xmx was the same or not; was ambiguous. If running client.jar directly, does it take `DreamBot/BotData/launcher.json` into consideration at all - or is that only used if actually going from the launcher? Re: Proxies: Sure - Can always write to the file directly, just figured these are small changes that are good for a quality user experience. Honestly my main desire is the `-update` ; just figured the rest would all be nice as well.
    5. Would be great to add some of these. When run with any of these, ideally I feel there should be no GUI present, that way it can update without a necessary display present. java -jar DBLauncher.jar -update Just update the client and immediately close. Give an exit code of 0 if successful, 1 if not. This would allow easier updating of the client. Currently I'm needing to run the launch, sleep for a few seconds and hope it did it's thing, kill it, run it again, parse the logs to see if it's up to date, and then finally proceed with QuickStart via client.jar java -jar DBLauncher.jar -max-memory=XXX Update the max-memory preferences. I believe this is stored in DreamBot/BotData/launcher.json although I'm unsure if this is used at all if client is called with QuickStart anyway? But would be nice to be able to set either way. java -jar DBLauncher.jar -proxy user:pass: -proxy user:pass: Add all -proxy items to the list; again - appears to be stored in DreamBot/BotData/launcher.json java -jar DBLauncher.jar -proxy-clear Remove all proxies stored; again - appears to be stored in DreamBot/BotData/launcher.json java -jar DBLauncher.jar -anythingelse Print a help message that states all the command lines able to be passed and some helpful info + examples. States a reminder that with any flags, the GUI will not be displayed (If that's decided to go that route). States a reminder that the QuickLaunch should be used on the client.jar directly and not the launcher. The client is stored at XXXX after the launcher has been run at least once.
    6. @Bunnybun Love that this has a script queuing feature. - Is there a possibility to run a script in the background always (eg: A personal script that sends some notification or other data to me), but still have the "real" scripts that are doing the botting run? - Is there a "kill-switch" option, where the current task list can be replaced (eg: A config file shows up in a folder, replace task list immediately - Useful for if wanting to safely log-out) If no for either - Consider it a feature request ;-)
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