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  • roofie

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    1. so even pausing the script and then resuming it stays in this loop, the only way to get it working again is to completely shut the script down and restart it, hope this data helps with the fix thanks hashtag for looking into this :]
    2. hi Hashtag been using this script for a while now i noticed one major flaw just these last couple days, after a while the script stands at the bank trying to deposit ores out of the inventory into the bank and it seems like its not correcting itself and stays in a loop opening and closing the bank trying to withdraw/deposit thanks.
    3. good point, i shall try this. when i first noticed this it was around 70% but il give it a shot at lower speeds see if that helps. the main worry was dragging items to the destroy bin which it did do one time with some ore and somehow destroyed it (rune ore) i dunno how it got past the second security screen to press destroy, but anyways il keep you updated. thanks #
    4. bought this a few days ago, great script! only thing i have noticed is sometimes it's dragging the ores down the bank. like when its meant to click on the ores for example it seems to be holding in the left mouse button for a little to long and then when the mouse moves it's dragging the item further down in the bank and waits a little while for the ore to appear into you're inventory and it does not for a couple of seconds then it retry's until successful. just thought i'd mention this, i know there is other factors involved like fps etc but all of the is set to the highest or maybe it's me thanks hashtag
    5. just bought this script works really well, only issue i have noticed is not picking up the birds nest so looking forward to that fix! other than that its perfect for what i need. thanks mate.
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