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  • c4hamster

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    1. I also made a second account so see if maybe that would help. c4hamster2 if you could authorize that. I'll comment here with that one as well just to see if it works.
    2. Well unfortunately my card is not working to buy the script. I hate to ask, but is there maybe a way you could send me the .bat file to see if i can run it locally? I'm more than willing to pay for the script once i get my finances figured out. I just want to make sure its actually working. I'm not sure if there's a way you could edit the file in a way that it would stop after a period of time.
    3. Thanks again for all the help, I have contacted support but haven't had any luck so far. I think I might opt to just buy the script so i can support you, seeing as you've been so helpful in this matter. Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated
    4. Thank you again for being so prompt. I'm not seeing any errors in the console and I don't think I have any local scripts running. Anything I had on all other clients is now disabled so I don't think that would cause an issue. I'll try running through a command prompt and see if that helps but I'm kind of at a loss here. I don't suppose you could try to authorize me again, if not I'm sure I'll figure this out sooner or later.
    5. I can assure you it is the same account as it's the only one I have. Thank you for speedy replies BTW.
    6. I've looked in the premium scripts tab and nothing shows up, even after hitting refresh. I'm sure it's something on my end but I'm not sure what the problem is.
    7. Ok I was authed but how do I actually add it to the client?/use it? I don't see a way to download the script or apply it to my client.
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