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  • kippenzalf

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    Everything posted by kippenzalf

    1. How are people doing with this script in terms of bans? I have used this script for a while and had good success with it until all my accounts got banned. Im not blaming the script. infact the script works great. blast furnace is just a hotspot for bans. and while i was using it jagex was really cracking down on blast furnace bots at that time. is this still the case? or are people using this script and getting good results? m.
    2. script looks great! been trying it out for a bit lately. I love how it restocks and the attention to detail with the anti ban options. looks way better than other stuff I have used. couple questions though. I'm a bit confused by the sell options. the best version for me would be where he sells the bars on its own here and there. But I'm not sure if this is how your supposed to use it? you can add items to the list of things he will sell. But when exactly will the script do this? its unclear to me when he decides to sell stuff or what the circumstances are for pulling up the sell list and selling what's on it. also is there a way to keep the breaks and idling options on, but just shorten the breaks? one time I saw the script take a break for 18 minutes. i use the breaks allot that come with dreambot itself. it would be lame if the script is ordered to run for only 2 hours right after a dreambot break, and then it decides to take an 18 minute break. maybe a way to set it to 2 minutes for example? like your going to the toilet or something. thnx m.
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