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  • yeeter

    Global Moderator
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    Everything posted by yeeter

    1. Its possible to spoof bits and pieces but honestly not worth the effort at all, I haven't seen any difference in ban rates based on OS over the years. > Running in docker containers > Running native linux > Running in windows VMs > Running on Windows 10-11 (maybe 8, can't remember how long ago that was)
    2. Crushing the competition with better a script is always an option 💯
    3. what are the script names? There are lots of scripts out there that do these things, there were also some updates this morning so maybe relaunch and try again?
    4. its hard impossible to believe because so many of us have been doing this for so many years that at this point ii is a fact.
    5. Going to doubt that error is what got you banned, sounds like just some poor luck.
    6. Give more info, for all we know from your post your 40 minutes might had just been you begging to be banned.
    7. yeeter


      Scholar? wut?
    8. You should be able to install any common operating system available for the raspberry pi, and then just google how to install Java on it.
    9. I agree with what Sub said, the people who get banned are generally a salty vocal minority. Botting for most people is a for profit venture, so to an extent everyone is a competitor. Generally people will help and try and push them in the right direction when the blame the client. If it were the client a lot of these high quality scripters wouldn't even bother with Dreambot. The quality of this client is what attracts these scripters. That being said no one is going to hand a salty person a script with low ban rates and decent profit just to prove the client isn't the issue lol. Botting rewards those with either deep pockets who can afford quality scripts, people with good problem solving and logic skills (our scripters), and those who just get lucky.
    10. https://discord.gg/kUw6YCCF
    11. 1.) You went with someone with no rank on DreamBot scripting. DreamBot host private script shops for Scripter+ and above approved Scripters. These Scripters have past some standardized testing to assure they are quality. Not a guarantee it will he perfect but it can help. 2.) Botting isn't dead just because you had a poor experience. YOUR botting might be dead but tons of people still have solid experiences skilling or farming gold. 3.) Glhf with whatever you do next but it sounds like your mindset and problem solving abilities might not fit botting. Maybe try another game?
    12. yeeter

      YEETPicker AIO

      Will look into adding cow hides, but most likely will not add custom items to pick.
    13. yeeter


      Gimme suggestions on shit to add or update thnx
    14. Have you tried reading the Scripts Forum thread?
    15. You don't need a HWID changer, and a VPN isn't going to help a ton. Experiment with some fresh accounts and figure out what works for your setup, avoid botting on accounts you don't want banned until you are certain you can do it without getting banned.
    16. yeeter

      YEETPicker AIO

      Update might not of been pushed yet, Hashtag is on the otherside of the world iirc.
    17. yeeter

      YEETPicker AIO

      yeah was a pretty quick update. Tested it on a couple places but I can only test so many with my limited time lol.
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