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  • return zez

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    Everything posted by return zez

    1. do u have a discord so i can communicate more easily and send u debugs
    2. i was able to start it but its stuck on different parts on 2 accounts? any reasons?
    3. for some reason my script won't start now also it wasn't able to complete eagles peak on 2 accounts it stopped at catching ferret at top of the till and just sat there until it logged out?
    4. can i get a trial please?
    5. Yeah I'll do that next time I try tutorial island. But another thing is Grand Tree it gets stuck at some parts when talking to anita and caputring glough it's like a 50/50 if it works or not. And at mountain daughter when searching for Svidi and climbing over some rock it gets stuck in a loop of climbing over that rock back and forth, this mountain daughter problem just started happening
    6. Other quests work fine for the most part sometimes bug out every now and then. But in the debug it will say talking to survival expert and then nothing else for however long it takes me to stop the script...
    7. @RomaI'm running in fixed screen mode, the client is up to date, I am using fresh start, and it just spam clicks talking to the survival expert. And if I do it manually it will just spam click the next instructor.
    8. Awesome I'll test all this exactly as you said later today! Also just ran another waterfall and it worked fine!
    9. How would I update the client? Also sorry I couldn't find client debug on this bot so I couldn't tell you for sure. But I remember it just getting stuck for some reason during waterfall. Also I'll test out tutorial island again and see what happens. But for tutorial island at what part of it can I actually start up the bot? Like after picking the name? After getting the default zoom option from the npc aka the settings? At the fishing spot?
    10. So far, only noticed a few issues while babysitting. - Waterfall quest at the end when it's offering runes to each pillar it got stuck for some reason on the third pillar. - Tree Gnome Village it didn't follow elkoy through maze even though it unlocked the shortcut. Instead it manually ran through the maze. Also doesn't safespot boss. @RomaAre you gonna look into these? Also just tried using tutorial island, and it gets broken on every step even after manually fixing it and guiding it to the next step.
    11. So far, only noticed a few issues while babysitting. - Waterfall quest at the end when it's offering runes to each pillar it got stuck for some reason on the third pillar. - Tree Gnome Village it didn't follow elkoy through maze even though it unlocked the shortcut. Instead it manually ran through the maze. -Also Tree Gnome Village, it doesn't safe spot the final boss. Other than that it seems to be working pretty well!
    12. Upvoted, please bless me with a trial!
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