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    Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/22 in Posts

    1. F2P Master AI F2P Master AI was in free beta from 23/12/2020 until 27/04/2021, tested for over 12 years by 2840 unique users. Key Information: Build F2P accounts from 0 Avoid paying for membership Smash trade restrictions Specific skill/quest requirements Avoid buying tut accounts which are flagged for "resting" Suicide botting/farming Fun F2P botting is not recommended unless you know what you're doing - it often takes a good setup to survive initial account creation. See the guide on Discord for how to safely create accounts (tldr avoid fingerprinting). Consider using the P2P script instead at https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/26725-p2p-master-ai-machine-learning-1-click-account-builder/ Main Features: Fully automated F2P player All 15 F2P skills Most F2P quests Intelligent task selection Machine Learning for human-like input Yes really, watch the mouse for example Does Tutorial Island, picks a realistic name and appearance See all users' progress live with webhooks (https://discord.gg/Jxe4d4NWmk) Enable/disable skills, activities, locations, quests; set target levels and preferred skills Save and load profiles, including from command-line and from URLs Google-authenticator style muling without need for communication No need for gold, bots loot and generate their own wealth Instancing prevents heavy users running 1000+ bots at the same time Fully automated wealth/resource management Fully automated tool/gear upgrading/selling Comes with free botting guide on Discord (most importantly, learn to avoid acc creation bans) Anti-cluster: each account gets its own behavioural profile with unique traits which evolve with progress. Anti-ban: powerful and unusual techniques prevent jagex from profiling this script. Option to add webhooks from your accounts to your own Discord server Inbuilt break and sleep system; behaves differently for each account Tends to bully other bots when competing for resources Live GE price updates Clear status, progress and profit displays May pick a favourite cape upon reaching a reasonable level Logs out and stops after completing all level goals + quests Discord screenshare/voice support Join for Community, Webhooks, and Guide: Webhooks example: Progress reports are automatically generated for all users (shows DreamBot name). Same for ban reports, provided the account survived its first day. Read the #botting-advice sections on Discord to learn best practices and avoid this! Note that names are DB forum names and can be set to "Anonymous". Interfaces: Quickstart: The script takes a single parameter - the settings file name. By default this is "Default". Screenshots: This Linux distro broke the font
      1 point
    2. I'm just now starting out learning dreambot scripting. Curious if the anti ban im seeing in a lot of script titles is something that can be utilized from the dreambot libraries, or if it's some sort of overloaded/overriden implementations of dreambot control methods? I don't need specifics as I'm sure the best anti-ban logic is a secret Thanks!
      1 point
    3. Bump to support thread, bot looks highly awesome.
      1 point
    4. While cleaning up an old hard drive I decided it would be a good idea to preserve some of my past works on my GitHub. Some of this work included old bot scripts that I either used for myself or sold privately to various gold farmers. Those gold farmers are no longer in the game, so I figured instead of letting them rot on my disk I would share them here in case they could be of any use. The link to the repository is here. In total there are 143 different scripts. The vast majority of these should be for DreamBot, but a few might be for another client. Some of the scripts may only be for simple tasks and few dozen lines, but there should be at least a dozen gems in there including an abyss runecrafter.
      1 point
    5. click new project, then theres a java option in that menu (it will be the default) as long as you are using 1.8 it doesnt rly matter
      1 point
    6. Im new to OSRS botting, but I can say this script is glorious... Thanks for this. What anti-ban rate should I use to be safer? 100%? Thanks again
      1 point
    7. Bad script weird pathing bot like decisions feels very cheap and i dont seem to find any antiban mechanics. it feels like this guy is trying to ban your account on purpose or is just here scamming everyone with basic scripts. look at this guy's alcher for example it doesnt even have a random timer for clicking. maybe i help some people to not buy this script and safe themselves a few bucks. hope scripter+ guy ups his game or gets warned
      1 point
    8. I'm just getting started scripting and this was extremely helpful to me. Thanks a lot for sharing ^^
      1 point
    9. Generally speaking you will need to create your own anti-ban system. It's all tinfoil hat levels of speculation and each scripter does it differently. Write your script and change things / make it configurable as you go along. Once you can establish a trendline for your bans make adjustments to various things that you think could influence the ban rate (clicking in different patterns, adjusting mouse speed, writing your own mouse algo, taking a different path from A-B, doing things in a different order, include a random chance to make misclicks etc). Adjust bit by bit and find stuff that makes the trendline go down. Then eventually you can abstract that up and make a framework or utility class that can be used across all of your scripts. It is just a ton of time, effort, Trail and error~ good luck!
      1 point
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