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    Selling DreamBot vouchers, which you can use to buy anything  related to DreamBot  scripts, VIP, Sponsor etc!


    Current stack 40!!

    Accepting 07gp and eoc gp!

    $1 worth of Voucher = 1m 07gp

    $1 worth of voucher= 5.5m eoc gp


    My Skype and only is: Cerberos19


    Feel free to contact me in skype, or you can post on this thread with your Skype, or even PM me in here.


    For Redeem your Code after u get it from me go HERE

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    • 2 weeks later...

    Good luck :)

    omfg I got so happy when I saw a new name that posted in my thread and is for "gl"... so many luck in my thread yet no one has buy 1 LOL.


    Maybe I will put it as 950k per vouch o.o?

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    • 3 weeks later...

    Now selling vouchers for eoc gp too!!

    gold sites buy gold for 1.1 /mil so you might wana try doing 900k


    I put it back as 1m=1voucher lol


    I been selling in multi community at this rate so in here should stay as 1m:1 :D am sure people will buy from time to time :)

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    • 3 weeks later...

    I got 8M osrs ready bro to buy 8 vouchers

    sorry for late reply. but bro u should of have message me in Skype :P anyway add me my skype: cerberos19 in case you till need :)

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