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    This thread is currently still under construction, more will follow soonâ„¢.



    Combat accounts:


    1. 40 attack/strength/defence


    2. Fresh accounts with nothing but the combat stats


    3. Account stats:





    4. Stock: 3


    5. PRICE: $6,99


    More will quickly follow!


    Account info:


    - Each account has been bought from @Donald Trump, a highly trusted member of this community!

    - These account have been botted by me, and only me!

    - The accounts are given a 2 weeks rest after being botted before being sold.

    - These accounts have all been botted, and are meant for this purpose. (They can of course be used for personal use)

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    I am interested in all 3 accounts.


    This thread is currently still under construction, more will follow soonâ„¢.



    Combat accounts:


    1. 40 attack/strength/defence


    2. Fresh accounts with nothing but the combat stats


    3. Account stats:





    4. Stock: 3


    5. PRICE: $6,99


    More will quickly follow!


    Account info:


    - Each account has been bought from @Donald Trump, a highly trusted member of this community!

    - These account have been botted by me, and only me!

    - The accounts are given a 2 weeks rest after being botted before being sold.

    - These accounts have all been botted, and are meant for this purpose. (They can of course be used for personal use)

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