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    Hello all!



    I've been trying to find the correct method to use to find the NPC that is attacking the getLocalPlayer(). The whole reason I'm trying to locate it is to get the NPC that is attacking me and get it's Center Tile. I'm ultimately trying to then get that distance away from my character's tile. I can figure out the rest, all I need is the correct method to find the NPC that is in combat with me.



    I'm still a nooby scripter and have been trying different things for about 3 hours. With no luck of course, I'm posting here for help. Thanks in advance for any help!

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    if you wanna make a list

    List<NPC> bastards = getNpcs().all(NPC->NPC!=null && NPC.isInteracting(getLocalPlayer()) && NPC.isInCombat())


    or if you want a single npc replace all with closest..etc


    i read the "NPC->" as "Such that" -> "get all NPCs such that" + your conditions


    but its called a lambda if you wanna google

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    That's what I thought originally but I wasn't sure because it was returning a Character instead of a NPC.  Thank you for the help!


    if you wanna make a list

    List<NPC> bastards = getNpcs().all(NPC->NPC!=null && NPC.isInteracting(getLocalPlayer()) && NPC.isInCombat())


    or if you want a single npc replace all with closest..etc


    i read the "NPC->" as "Such that" -> "get all NPCs such that" + your conditions


    but its called a lambda if you wanna google


    Yeah I just need a Single NPC. ill try both and see which one works best. Thank you!

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    • 2 weeks later...
    //npcToFight is any npc name

    NPC npcX;


     log("Attacking aggressive NPC");

     npcX = (NPC)getLocalPlayer().getCharacterInteractingWithMe();

     fight(npcX); //this is my custom method to fight npcs


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