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  • Ragger script


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    Im looking for a rag script that can use crystal bow black d hide body zamorak cape to defend myself against other bot clients and other people ragging my pure account because i drop them for max sets. Term they use is called rb=ragbot. I normally wouldn't ever ask for this but if I need a script like this to defend myself its worth the money, and its a very childish thing they are doing. I need one that can teleport to Camelot and varrock square in a pvp world/bank at edge spawn/protect item/ and add rsns to the list that rag my pure. If you are able to do this and have affordable prices let me know. Thank you.

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    you'd be better off using a couple of bonds to change your account name


    Possibly true. Although I stream on twitch sometimes so they will have my new rsn anyways. Very sad thing to do but I feel like ragging them back would work. Its not the people who watch my twitch that even rag me, its actually a rival clan that I dropped for 250m in max sets, and have also ddosed me in the past when I used to be in their clan. I don't want revenge, I just want to pk on my pure without being ragged.

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