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    Buddy Nugs

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    I had been botting for a while on an account, and I ended out turning to liking it alot, and botted a little to newbishly than I should.


    The good news is I ONLY GOT A 2 DAY BAN! Yay! So , If I flush, VPN, or call my isp and change it, will it help like unflag my account? I'd like to use it, and other VPN's to run more bots while playing legitamately on this new main account.


    Any advice is appreciated, no flame please!



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    Using a VPN:


    Main -> Won't help a lot since you already had a ban. (I also wouldn't advice to bot on the account anymore because you will get banned really quick) It could be possible if you change your password and email and bot until it is banned, once it is banned you say you're account was hijacked and you might get your account unbanned. However I won't advice this and I am not sure if this is going to work everytime (For some people it worked)


    Other accounts -> If you suicide it probably won't work, but if you safe-bot I think it would make a difference. (I never experienced a different using other IP's, but that could just me. Other people claim that there is actually a difference.)

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    Using a VPN:


    Main -> Won't help a lot since you already had a ban. (I also wouldn't advice to bot on the account anymore because you will get banned really quick) It could be possible if you change your password and email and bot until it is banned, once it is banned you say you're account was hijacked and you might get your account unbanned. However I won't advice this and I am not sure if this is going to work everytime (For some people it worked)


    Other accounts -> If you suicide it probably won't work, but if you safe-bot I think it would make a difference. (I never experienced a different using other IP's, but that could just me. Other people claim that there is actually a difference.)

    Oh believe me I won't on my main anymore. It kicked me and said disabled and my heart broke.


    Logged into my account via the website and saw it was only a two day. I just want to make sure that if I safe bot with other bots, will it effect my mains potential for ban? 

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    nah I bot heavy on my home ip and my mule is on the same IP.  My goldfarming accs get banned one after the other but my mule, which again shares the same IP, has been strong for 2 months. It's lvl 3, f2p, and 1 in all skills. 


    Having said that, I highly doubt your main will be punished for what your other accs are doing. 

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    • 2 weeks later...

    nah I bot heavy on my home ip and my mule is on the same IP.  My goldfarming accs get banned one after the other but my mule, which again shares the same IP, has been strong for 2 months. It's lvl 3, f2p, and 1 in all skills. 


    Having said that, I highly doubt your main will be punished for what your other accs are doing. 

    do you bot on your main account? i also just got a 2 day ban on my main but i don't want to give up botting cause i bought a couple of premium scripts and it'd just go to waste

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    do you bot on your main account? i also just got a 2 day ban on my main but i don't want to give up botting cause i bought a couple of premium scripts and it'd just go to waste

    I don't play this game for fun anymore so I don't have a main. But I'd advise you not to bot on your main acc anymore as it will be watched more closely now.  However, people have gotten away with botting less than 4 hrs a day on their main with methods that aren't heavily monitored as gold-farming activities. (i.e tanning d hides, etc) 


    In any case, just make a new account and use those perm scripts on it instead of your main since it is now more likely to be banned, given its previous encounter. 

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