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    Hi I didnt know where to post this, My name is Jake. I love the dreambot and all but i ordered my first script the dinh gambler... ive used it for over 3 hours now and havnt made any money at all :( ive tried different ammounts, different places, different clothes, it just isnt working :( i would really really like to cancel my renewing payment of $14.99 to keep using the script if that is ok . i really apreciate your help and if you have any advice on how i can make money or which scripts i should get or use i would deeply appreciate it, again, thank you so much.

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    Try asking for assistance on how ro use the script in the script's thread. You can cancel your subscription on PayPal. If you have any questions on how to do that, ask ahead or Google it =)

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    ive also been having trouble training to 70 because the seers village gets stuck on the second to last house facing west and standing most eastern square, if you could please help this would really help me utilize the script i just bought

    idk if it has to do anything with weight, ill try taking off my grace but i had clicked the compass to reset the camera to try to help it and it hasnt been working

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