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  • Do you think I can bot more hardcore with private script?


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    yes 100% private scripts are better unless coded very poorly since only 1 person uses the script jagex won't be able to detect you're bot that fast compared to a public script if you woud be intressted in a script you can contact me on discord themcpker#8210 or pm me here

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    Like everyone has said, depends on the scripter, but 99% of the time, yes, you can bot a lot harder with private scripts.

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    100% if they are paid - usually. 


    However, I write my own scripts for myself and for everything I do! And i customize it so much, that i feel i never get banned! Ive been programming all code for years and botting for awhile - i feel i know how Jage runs/bans, so my anti-ban is perfect IMO


    My scripts run 12hrs and the accounts usually ban after a month! not to bad i think

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