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  • Tabs not responding with unclear reasoning


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    When botting after a while (4+ hours in) every now and again a tab with a client open will sort of freeze and the script will stop responding. It doesn't freeze cause everything still moves and it doesn't stop the script it just looks like it's been paused. The only thing I have to do is enable mouse movement and click somewhere to move and its fixed. I thought maybe my computer couldn't provide enough resources to all of them but my CPU is only at 60% usage. Not sure why exactly they sort of just pause and it's only 1 or 2 and then when moved to fix them a couple of hours later another 1 or 2 will have done it. Usually different tabs and it never happens to the tabs that are selected. Can't seem to figure it out.

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    when this happens, go to settings - check the box - enable/disable client rendering turn it on then back off... should fix it when it break although i do not know why it stops rendering in some cases, when it stops rendering it does not stop the bot, so even though you dont see it working it still is although sometimes it will be on the logout screen and you wouldnt know because it stopped rendering

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    when this happens, go to settings - check the box - enable/disable client rendering turn it on then back off... should fix it when it break although i do not know why it stops rendering in some cases, when it stops rendering it does not stop the bot, so even though you dont see it working it still is although sometimes it will be on the logout screen and you wouldnt know because it stopped rendering

    I figured out the cause! For some reason after a while and it doesn't do it to all of them as I have said just randomly a certain widget even when not being shown which is the only time it wasn't null now is not null 100% of the time even when it should be null and so the bot would stand around trying to act on the widget even though the widget shouldn't of been active. Added a check for it and now none of them stall. I thought it must of been my code cause as I said my computer is using 60% CPU and 40% memory and the clients didn't look unresponsive. Happy it's fixed now, life's a dream my friend!

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    hello i have a problem with the client, it loads but for some reason i can't click on the login to type my username and password, and can't change words or turn sound on, would know how to solve this? :) thanks

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