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    I have been working on making a woodcutter to learn and I have noticed that my guy will click the tree constantly every few seconds instead of waiting for idle animation. Is there a way I can make it wait until my guys is idle again or have it do a check that its cutting the tree so it doesnt keep clicking?

    I just have a sleep return timer for it at the moment.

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    sleepUntil(()->getLocalPlayer().getAnimation()!=-1, Calculations.random(1145,4671); // if tree clicked Character will sleepUntil tree cutting animation occurs or 1.145-4.671 seconds passes;

    //include some random sleeps here

    sleepUntil(()->getLocalPlayer().getAnimation()==-1), Calculations.random(1745,8671); // sleepUntil finished cutting tree

    //include sleeps here


    //can also use getInventory().count("logType");

    //also gameObject check of tree stump to occur

    //also xp gain stop




    tree.interact("Cut the mother fucker");


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