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    Hi everyone this is my first post on the forums. Last night around 1AM I tried to start up DB and I was stuck with "Downloading Gamepack" until I realized this thing was not going to load. I looked through the forums and apparently this problem arises when Jagex updates osrs, and I noticed they said it only takes a couple of hours for DB devs tor resolve. But I try again to log on 12 hours later and have the same problem with "Downloading Gamepack". Are the DB devs still trying to fix this or is there a new dreambot update that I am not seeing? Please let me know, thanks everyone.

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    why doesnt vpn work when trying to download gamepack for dreambot it works on every other client. Wont let me log into the client when i use a german vpn which actually stops the ddos and constant dcing.

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    yeap im using uk vps and can login and botting with no problem. but the client stuck at downloading gamepack if i run from my pc :(


    Mind if I ask which VPN service you are using? And how much does it cost? as I am currently on a tight budget. Stuck on downloading game pack on my MacBook and PC.

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    Mind if I ask which VPN service you are using? And how much does it cost? as I am currently on a tight budget. Stuck on downloading game pack on my MacBook and PC.

    ah vps sir not vpn, i tried using cyber ghost vpn both osrs client and osbuddy can login but dreambot launcher wont.


    i can help u to setup vps, u can find vps around $2-$5 a month, u need at least 1gb of ram

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