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  • getSkillTracker().getGainedExperiencePerHour(Skill.AGILITY)


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    Hello, is there anything else that I need to do for 

    drawString("Agility XP/Hr: " getSkillTracker().getGainedExperiencePerHour(Skill.AGILITY), 30, 250);

    to correctly display the exp per hour?


    I have import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skill; but 0 is always returned in my paint graphic.


    Everything in the script runs correctly, occasionally getting an error due to clicking a game object without me coding in != null yet, could that cause this not to work while leaving the remaining code all to work correctly?


    Thanks in advance.


    edit: forgot to edit title before posting to be informative, sorry.

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    be sure to start the skilltracker.

    public void OnStart() {

    Thank you, was missing this. Will build and see if it fixes it.

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    did it work?

    It did, just sorting out the starting before the script starts to ensure it isn't showing 1M+ exp per hour in Agility at level 30.

    Thanks again.

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