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    1. Script purchased: None lava dragons ( https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php/topic/7153-none-lava-dragons-looting-bag-anti-pk/ )

    2. Date of purchase: 18 February

    3. Detailed description of problem: It tries to hop to world 21 then it freezes, constantly dies from dragons when picking-up loot or when entering the killing spot, doesn`t hop when pker spotted (scrolls trough world list), missclicks a lot and dies. Scripter says that it collects 150-400k/h - loot from 24 hours http://prntscr.com/eb6aj0

    ​4. Proof of attempted scripter contact (screenshots only): http://prntscr.com/eb6b41 It`s only human to respond later than 1 day but there had been a lot of complaints about the script already and the owner won`t fix them. 

    5. Proof of script issue(s) (screenshot/gif/video): Loot from 24 hours - was supposed to be at least 3.6m ( http://prntscr.com/eb6b41 ) A lot of complaints in the thread already. Sorry but I`m not wasting my time on taking screenshots because I have already sold supplies and everything. And it`d be only a screenshot of player dying or world list. 

    6. Desired outcome: Problem(s) fixed / Refund / Script swap (from same scripter): Refund.

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    I have seen your comment, i have not had time to look into the errors you are having i was planning to check it out today, i have a full time job and 15 other scripts on the SDN, although i wish i could instantly fix every single bug as soon as they are reported life is not always that simple...


    1. you posted on my scripts thread at 12am today EST time which is my timezone... it has been a total of 15 hours sicne you psoted... i was asleep for 12 of them........

    2.when did i tell you i garuntee it makes 150-400k?

    3. profit is entirly dependent on pkers, your health, your magic level, the rate at which you kill the dragons etc.

    4.All bug/errors that have been previously reported on the scripts thread have been fixed so i am not sure what you mean... generally all fo the errors are user errors,i.e. script isnt workign because they forgot an item when starting, food, teleport rings/amulets ect. 

    5. i do plan on fixing this as i do with all of my scripts if they have errors and i generally have the fix applied within 24-48 hours.  please see it from my perspective... i have to make an account, get it bonded , get the necessary levels and then start testing... i cannot magically fix an error i have not experienced

    6. world 21 is new. it was not in the script as a world not to hop to because it was newly converted to a tournament world. when i update the script this will be fixed.

    7. i am not sure why you would be dieing when picking up loot as the script only kills 1 dragon and it only picks up loot when the dragon is dead... but again i will look into this

    SO... im in the process of testing the script right now... the anti pk is working fine as far as i can see... i was atatcking for 7ish minutes and 2 people appeared within that time and it successfully hopped worlds each time. please see this video...



    as you can see from the video when it hops worlds it loses all progress it had made on killing the current dragon, so of course that will lower your profit/hour every time a pker appears as you could potentially lose 4-5 minutes of killing a dragon

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    I have seen your comment, i have not had time to look into the errors you are having i was planning to check it out today, i have a full time job and 15 other scripts on the SDN, although i wish i could instantly fix every single bug as soon as they are reported life is not always that simple...


    1. you posted on my scripts thread at 12am today EST time which is my timezone... it has been a total of 15 hours sicne you psoted... i was asleep for 12 of them........

    2.when did i tell you i garuntee it makes 150-400k?

    3. profit is entirly dependent on pkers, your health, your magic level, the rate at which you kill the dragons etc.

    4.All bug/errors that have been previously reported on the scripts thread have been fixed so i am not sure what you mean... generally all fo the errors are user errors,i.e. script isnt workign because they forgot an item when starting, food, teleport rings/amulets ect. 

    5. i do plan on fixing this as i do with all of my scripts if they have errors and i generally have the fix applied within 24-48 hours.  please see it from my perspective... i have to make an account, get it bonded , get the necessary levels and then start testing... i cannot magically fix an error i have not experienced

    6. world 21 is new. it was not in the script as a world not to hop to because it was newly converted to a tournament world. when i update the script this will be fixed.

    7. i am not sure why you would be dieing when picking up loot as the script only kills 1 dragon and it only picks up loot when the dragon is dead... but again i will look into this

    SO... im in the process of testing the script right now... the anti pk is working fine as far as i can see... i was atatcking for 7ish minutes and 2 people appeared within that time and it successfully hopped worlds each time. please see this video...



    as you can see from the video when it hops worlds it loses all progress it had made on killing the current dragon, so of course that will lower your profit/hour every time a pker appears as you could potentially lose 4-5 minutes of killing a dragon

    Okay, sorry, then I don`t need a refund if script will get fixed. But yeah, sometimes it starts scrolling trough world list. If character dies from dragon, it runs there back and tries to pick-up items he lost. And if dragon attacks you before you get to the spot, it will run to gate instead of eating or running deeper. And if he runs to gate dragon has got 2 chances to kill him.

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