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  • A rsps to test/make Scripts on?


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    I got a funny idea not sure if doable/practicle


    but woud it be possible to make a rsps using current osrs version  to just make scripts on as a test envirement for us scripters? 


    a example of perks


    -instantly any requirements done

    -a teleport option for no travel time?

    -any items we require to make bots with without having to be scared a bot gets banned while testing/making the script

    -no other bot sites have this asfar as im aware so makes dreambot even more unique


    these are a few example's but im sure there are many more its just the question of is this possible?

    and if there are any costs to making this server

    you coud make it VIP/Scripter only

    this way it woud give even more of a reason for people to purchange vip



    woud love the option of the Staff on this topic  since i feel like it woud be a  AMAZING tool 

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    i think this would be a good idea for testing scripts, not needing to train accounts if a tester gets banned or if you run out of a bond. im not sure how likely it is that it will happen though

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    It's a nice thought, but unfortunately it's extremely unpractical.


    Creating a private server that works 100% like retail, and updates along with it would be a full time job on its own, not to mention supporting the bot. Even if it weren't a ton of work, or so costly, doing something like this allows for only some specific test cases. and because RSPS are all custom code from retail servers, they're not exactly valid test cases. I personally prefer to test my scripts on live servers to test my anti-ban and human-like code.

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    Also the likelyhood of you getting banned on live osrs server while testing your script as you writing it is very low..So i dont even get the point of this suggestion..

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    • 5 months later...

    I would love this

    Also the likelyhood of you getting banned on live osrs server while testing your script as you writing it is very low..So i dont even get the point of this suggestion..It

    It's not for getting banned..

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