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  • Universal Paint


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    Snippet for scripters to use. It's extremely straight forward, and an example is included. Please, feel free to leave critiques/suggestions (except for Mad, I don't give a shit what you think).



    • Auto-starts skill trackers as soon as player is logged in
    • Displays up to 9 skills at a time
    • Displays all skills which XP has been gained in since starting the script


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    package Paint;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.Category;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest;
    import java.awt.*;
     * Created by Calculus on 8/3/2016.
    @ScriptManifest(category = Category.MISC, name = "Paint test", author = "Calculus", version = 1)
    public class PaintTest extends AbstractScript {
        public int onLoop() {
            return 500;
        public void onPaint(Graphics g) {
            UniversalPaint.repaint(g, this);
    package Paint;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.MethodContext;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skill;
    import org.dreambot.api.utilities.Timer;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.List;
    import static org.dreambot.api.methods.MethodProvider.log;
     * Created by Calculus on 8/3/2016.
    public class UniversalPaint {
        private final static int ALPHA = 160, X = 7, Y = 344, WIDTH = 489, HEIGHT = 15;
        private static final String[] suffix = new String[]{"", "k", "m", "b", "t"};
        private static boolean hasUpdated, startedThread;
        public static void repaint(Graphics g2, MethodContext ctx){
            if(hasUpdated) {
                Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g2;
                g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                List<UniversalPaint.PaintSkill> paintSkillList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < PaintSkill.values().length; i++) {
                    if (ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperience(PaintSkill.values()[i].getSkill()) > 0)
                if (!paintSkillList.isEmpty()) {
                    int size = paintSkillList.size() > 9 ? 9 : paintSkillList.size();
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                        PaintSkill skill = paintSkillList.get(i);
                        g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12));
                        g.fillRoundRect(X, (Y + (i * HEIGHT) + 1), WIDTH, HEIGHT, 5, 5);
                        g.fillRoundRect(X, (Y + (i * HEIGHT) + 1), getBarFillPercent(WIDTH, ctx, skill.getSkill()), HEIGHT, 5, 5);
                        String text = skill.getSkill().getName() + ": ";
                        text += ctx.getSkills().getRealLevel(skill.getSkill()) + "/" + ctx.getSkillTracker().getStartLevel(skill.getSkill());
                        text += "  |  XP Gained: " + format(ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperience(skill.getSkill()));
                        text += "  |  XP /hr: " + format(ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperiencePerHour(skill.getSkill()));
                        text += "  |  XPTL: " + format(ctx.getSkills().getExperienceToLevel(skill.getSkill()));
                        text += "  |  TTL: " + Timer.formatTime(ctx.getSkillTracker().getTimeToLevel(skill.getSkill()));
                        g.setColor((skill.equals(PaintSkill.PRAYER) || skill.equals(PaintSkill.RUNECRAFTING)) ? Color.black : Color.white);
                        g.drawString(text, X + 6, (13 + Y + (i * HEIGHT)));
            }else if(!startedThread){
                new Thread(()->startSkillTrackers(ctx)).start();
                startedThread = true;
        private static int getBarFillPercent(int barWidth, MethodContext ctx, Skill skill){
            double xpTL = ctx.getSkills().getExperienceForLevel(ctx.getSkills().getRealLevel(skill));
            double xpTL1 = ctx.getSkills().getExperienceForLevel(ctx.getSkills().getRealLevel(skill) + 1);
            double percentTNL = ((ctx.getSkills().getExperience(skill) - xpTL) / (xpTL1 - xpTL) * 100);
            return (int) ((barWidth / 100D) * percentTNL);
        private static String format(double number) {
            String r = new DecimalFormat("##0E0").format(number);
            r = r.replaceAll("E[0-9]", suffix[Character.getNumericValue(r.charAt(r.length() - 1)) / 3]);
            while(r.length() > 4 || r.matches("[0-9]+\\.[a-z]")){
                r = r.substring(0, r.length()-2) + r.substring(r.length() - 1);
            return r;
        private static void startSkillTrackers(MethodContext ctx){
            while (!ctx.getClient().isLoggedIn() && ctx.getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().isRunning())
                try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
            for(Skill s : Skill.values()) //Start all of the skill trackers
            hasUpdated = true;
            log("Started skill trackers!"); //Notify
        private enum PaintSkill {
            ATTACK(      new Color(80, 17, 8, ALPHA)),
            DEFENCE(     new Color(111, 131, 196, ALPHA)),
            STRENGTH(    new Color(13, 112, 65, ALPHA)),
            HITPOINTS(   new Color(206, 58, 71, ALPHA)),
            RANGED(      new Color(85, 111, 13, ALPHA)),
            PRAYER(      new Color(224, 220, 220, ALPHA)),
            MAGIC(       new Color(162, 150, 129, ALPHA)),
            COOKING(     new Color(61, 12, 77, ALPHA)),
            WOODCUTTING( new Color(145, 115, 53, ALPHA)),
            FLETCHING(   new Color(0, 36, 37, ALPHA)),
            FISHING(     new Color(96, 128, 161, ALPHA)),
            FIREMAKING(  new Color(202, 86, 12, ALPHA)),
            CRAFTING(    new Color(125, 90, 56, ALPHA)),
            SMITHING(    new Color(52, 52, 31, ALPHA)),
            MINING(      new Color(56, 97,100, ALPHA)),
            HERBLORE(    new Color(3, 69, 5, ALPHA)),
            AGILITY(     new Color(23, 25, 96, ALPHA)),
            THIEVING(    new Color(82, 29, 62, ALPHA)),
            SLAYER(      new Color(22, 20, 20, ALPHA)),
            FARMING(     new Color(3, 56, 3, ALPHA)),
            RUNECRAFTING(new Color(181, 181, 169, ALPHA)),
            HUNTER(      new Color(99, 91, 56, ALPHA)),
            CONSTRUCTION(new Color(155, 143, 123, ALPHA));
            private final Color foreground;
            private final Color background;
            PaintSkill(Color background){
                this.background = background;
                this.foreground = new Color(background.getRed(), background.getGreen(), background.getBlue()).brighter();
            public Color getForeground() {
                return foreground;
            public Color getBackground() {
                return background;
            public Skill getSkill(){
                return Skill.values()[ordinal()];



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    private static final String[] suffix = new String[]{"", "k", "m", "b", "t"};
    Change to
    private static final String[] suffix = {"", "k", "m", "b", "t"};

    also u called ctx.getSkills() and ctx.getSkillTracker like 800 times, pls save it to a variable to reduce bloat

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    private static final String[] suffix = new String[]{"", "k", "m", "b", "t"};
    Change to
    private static final String[] suffix = {"", "k", "m", "b", "t"};

    also u called ctx.getSkills() and ctx.getSkillTracker like 800 times, pls save it to a variable to reduce bloat



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           List<UniversalPaint.PaintSkill> paintSkillList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < PaintSkill.values().length; i++) {
                    if (ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperience(PaintSkill.values()[i].getSkill()) > 0)

    Why did you need the index for this scenario?


    Should use a for-each loop or a stream and collect it 2 a list

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           List<UniversalPaint.PaintSkill> paintSkillList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < PaintSkill.values().length; i++) {
                    if (ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperience(PaintSkill.values()[i].getSkill()) > 0)

    Why did you need the index for this scenario?


    Should use a for-each loop or a stream and collect it 2 a list



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    List<SupDude> list = Arrays.stream(PaintSkill.values())
        .filter(v -> ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperience(v.getSkill()) > 0)
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    List<SupDude> list = Arrays.stream(PaintSkill.values())
        .filter(v -> ctx.getSkillTracker().getGainedExperience(v.getSkill()) > 0)

    literally changes nothing...

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