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  • Hacked


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    Hi forums,

    Long story short I was hacked,

    Problem: How on this planet earth was a hacker able to bypass two-step email verification, recover my email, use this email to bypass my runescape authenticator and change the password, then guess my bank pin and clean me within an hour of logging off the account?

    Note: I am scanning my computer as we speak

    Kind regards,


    p.s. rip bank ;_;

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    Lots of people are getting hacked nowadays. It seems that Jagex's recovery system is flawed and it is easy for "hijackers" to hijack your account through a simple google search

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    you obviously, went to a youtube video such as "banked8234" or something like that... and it gave you a link to a runescape fake site telling you to post on the forums to win 50m lol, and when you sign in it recorded the info...


    the best way to protect your account is, have the authinactor, have a 7 day bank pin, and also have the authinactor on your email, and don't use the same password for your email.  


    I have all of these on my account^^ and the phishing people were unable to access my account, I tested it on a alt with 200k in the bank.(2 weeks ago


    keyloggers cannot get your bank pin, that's why jagex made it so you cant use number keys to type your bank pin.


    but this reminds be back in 2012, when free trade was first released I fell for one of these and Iost 2m, but when another person signed in it told you the last ip address that signed in, so I went crying to my dad(I was only 12 at the time) so he figured out where my account was signed in from, and he found out the person only lived 3 hours south of us, in cincinnati ohio, so me and my dad traveled there, he knocked on this persons door, he asks if he played runescape to check if it was the right person, he said yes so my dad confronted this 19 year old demanding for my sons items back, he said fuck off and tried shutting the door, so my dad pushed the door open and went on a rant, and found and destroyed his 3 computers, then went home


    (this type of justice isn't recommended, as what my dad did is a felony) breaking and entering, and aggravated assault, but he wasn't caught/arrested

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    you obviously, went to a youtube video such as "banked8234" or something like that... and it gave you a link to a runescape fake site telling you to post on the forums to win 50m lol, and when you sign in it recorded the info...


    the best way to protect your account is, have the authinactor, have a 7 day bank pin, and also have the authinactor on your email, and don't use the same password for your email.  


    I have all of these on my account^^ and the phishing people were unable to access my account, I tested it on a alt with 200k in the bank.(2 weeks ago


    keyloggers cannot get your bank pin, that's why jagex made it so you cant use number keys to type your bank pin.


    but this reminds be back in 2012, when free trade was first released I fell for one of these and Iost 2m, but when another person signed in it told you the last ip address that signed in, so I went crying to my dad(I was only 12 at the time) so he figured out where my account was signed in from, and he found out the person only lived 3 hours south of us, in cincinnati ohio, so me and my dad traveled there, he knocked on this persons door, he asks if he played runescape to check if it was the right person, he said yes so my dad confronted this 19 year old demanding for my sons items back, he said fuck off and tried shutting the door, so my dad pushed the door open and went on a rant, and found and destroyed his 3 computers, then went home


    (this type of justice isn't recommended, as what my dad did is a felony) breaking and entering, and aggravated assault, but he wasn't caught/arrested


    You went crying to your dad for 2mil? ayy lmao

    Gj btw breaking into a random guy house and destroying his computer, anyone could use a proxy or other form of hiding their IP, besides IP geolocation is not that precise even if the IP was the right one. You could've literally just knocked on a random person, who happens to play runescape, and destroyed 3 of his computers.

    You seem like a really wise person, so does your dad lol

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    Whether I got phished or not, still wonder how my bank pin was bypassed.

    there are certain bankpin scripts to try every 30 secs

    there are 4 digits bank pin

    thats 9999 numbers or something max

    which means max 9999 tries

    i'm probably wrong but i guess they just ran something to guess it lol

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    there are certain bankpin scripts to try every 30 secs

    there are 4 digits bank pin

    thats 9999 numbers or something max

    which means max 9999 tries

    i'm probably wrong but i guess they just ran something to guess it lol


    I believe its possible to take screenshots with certain types of malware, thats one way to get your bank pin

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