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  • Back playing RS and wanting to bot


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    Hello all,


    It has been a few years since ive played RS and was quite disappointed to find out your character from ages ago does not transfer over. So I have to restart characters and the bots I used to use for various skills. 


    Ive read through some guides and seen that you should wait couple days to start botting with a new character. Does that mean accs fresh off tut island or fresh made accounts? As im sure I can try and recover my old usernames to continue using those accs. I have botted back in the day mostly for mining and fishing and wc and pretty much used the same bot and just switched up everyday or every couple hours and continued that for a couple months and it didnt get banned. So im looking to get back into doing that same sort of stuff.


    So saying all this I guess i'm asking if I should wait the couple days or if theres a way around it like hand leveling to level 10 for instance on the same day of making then botting as I would be botting on a different computer then I use when playing legit as it would be easier for me. Also ive read on the covert option for VIP which I like what ive read but is it really that much safer? The bots I used to use in the past were free and never got banned as I played it safe but its always good if I have the option to purchase a much safer option then just being safe


    Thanks and sorry if im not allowed to put questions here you can move topic if need be :P

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    rs got some new bot detecting system, so it's much easier to get banned now.


    ppl say, switching up skills and doing quests legit help. 

    Resting is after you done tut island


    welcome to dreambot

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    I'd play the game legit and use alts to bot for some nice gold. Banrates are high and even higher if you're not in the loop with things.


    That being said people bot their mains all the time, you just have to be cautious. Test around, see what works, then settle down on a main account.

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    rs got some new bot detecting system, so it's much easier to get banned now.


    ppl say, switching up skills and doing quests legit help. 

    Resting is after you done tut island


    welcome to dreambot


    Okay so I should wait the couple days before botting then even if I switch skills every couple hours if I were to bot the first day of fresh acc?


    I'd play the game legit and use alts to bot for some nice gold. Banrates are high and even higher if you're not in the loop with things.


    That being said people bot their mains all the time, you just have to be cautious. Test around, see what works, then settle down on a main account.


    Yeah I have no intentions of botting on main just to bot on alts so I can trade between them to help my main with other skills 

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    I would just be safe. I just got back in RS too, so I'm in the same boat trying to figure out how this all works again. From what I've read, do some legit leveling before you bot. That should decrease the chance of your mules getting banned immediately.

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