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  • Dispute Against Trump2016


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    I Recently Purchased an account from the so called "Trump2016" all seemed to go fly i purchased he went first i logged in all seemed legit i gave him the money "an extra $5 for the whip and torags and some others on the account, i also purchased extra gold from Diddy to get the account going, Diddy told me this dude wasnt trusted so i was kinda worried then i couldnt stop thinking about it, the next day i try log in and the account is locked so i message him to see if he can unlock it and the following screenshots show what happened after this











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    Hello ,


    Please can you follow the guidelines to make your dispute valid = http://dreambot.org/forums/index.php/forum-147/announcement-1-rules-template/ and I suggest you read up on this http://dreambot.org/forums/index.php/forum-147/announcement-2-dispute-guide/ as a refresher. 


    Here's some things you will need to show


    1) Transaction Proof 'Judging by what you said, the transaction was done via PP, if you could take screenshots to prove you sent the money'.

    2) Proof you received the account (Skype log will do)

    3) Show @Trump2016 skype ID, and try to find somewhere where @Trump2016 has actually posted his SkypeID. This way we can eliminate a Imposter.


    I will get a Admin/Moderator to contact @Trump2016 and ask him to post his side of the story. 


    All the best,


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    Seems Trump2016 is currently banned for 72 hours for harassment. When the ban is lifted he'll be notified of the dispute.


    In the meantime, could you please follow what Ayaka posted about?


    Thank you Rabrg and Ayaka for posting things that are relevant to the dispute, but I'd like to ask that you either PM a moderator about these things in the future. Disputes are moderator handled, and I'd prefer to not have other users jumping in. While you guys are being helpful, others may not be.

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    I find it ironic that after your failed chargeback you try to paint me as the scammer?

    You tried to chargeback all the money you had given me for the account, claiming you would visit your bank and they're refund it due to it being 'unauthorised.'

    After seeing your chargeback start I recovered the account.

    You then proceeded to lose the chargeback because you're an autistic donkey.

    Thats the context of me saying ty $25 etc.


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    Okay so we've eliminated the option of it being impostered.


    Could one of you post the paypal transaction (note all posts will first show up as hidden and need to be approved by a moderator, so if you don't want other people to see the info just say that at the top of the post on what you don't want posted, and we'll remove it) so we can see the chargeback and when that started?


    What started the chargeback?

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    im just gonna close the case dream licker told me to report this but id rather not go into this anymore let him get away with it i dont really care to be honest this is aload of bulshit im not gonna get my money back so theres no point to this if ure not gonna believe me just close this case im not even gonna try

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