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    See if you can use the widget ID of the item in the shop to interact with it instead. That seems like it'd work. If you can't do it with the widget ID, Shop may need to be updated. Posting the full code will also help (Any surrounding code/if statements/whatever)

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    i called dreamlicker to come help you dont worry fham


    for some reason i thought you were joking til i noticed he did reply XD


    See if you can use the widget ID of the item in the shop to interact with it instead. That seems like it'd work. If you can't do it with the widget ID, Shop may need to be updated. Posting the full code will also help (Any surrounding code/if statements/whatever)

    ah dude, freggin sweet. i never would have thought of that. it actually did work. thank you good sir :)


    Edit: nvm lol the mouse gets stuck again and just moves around in random motions and so does the camera o.o


    heres the code:

    private void shop() {
                count = getInventory().count(Item);
                NPC shopKeeper = getNpcs().closest("Shop keeper");
                if (shopKeeper != null) {
                    if (!getInventory().isFull()) {
                        if (getInventory().contains("Coins")) {
                            if (!getLocalPlayer().isInteracting(shopKeeper)) {
                                if (shopKeeper.interact("Trade")) {
                                    sleepUntil(() -> getShop().isOpen(), Calculations.random(1000, 3000));
                                    if (getShop().isOpen() && getShop().contains("Bucket")) {
                                        sleepUntil(() -> getWidgets().getChildWidget(300, 2) != null, 0);
                                        getWidgets().getChildWidget(300, 1).interact("Buy 10");
                                        sleepUntil(() -> !getLocalPlayer().isInteracting(shopKeeper), Calculations.random(2000, 3500));
                    } else {
                        state = 1;
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    Hey, I would recommend you to format your code differently. Right now you have all of the code in the same if statements. This might be causing problems because the code is looping over and over again and when it does some of those booleans inside if might be false and then code will not run.


    Try using this format, it will serve you better with the looping


    If inventory is not full

    If shop is open

    Purchase items


    Interact with shop npc


    State = 1




    In your code you are interacting first with the npc and then checking if the shop is open. In the next loop it will try to interact with the npc even though the shop is already open.

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    do what hashtag says 

    because your code can't possibly work atm :/


    try something like if(getShop().isOpen){ buystuff} else { shopkeeper.interact

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    Hey, I would recommend you to format your code differently. Right now you have all of the code in the same if statements. This might be causing problems because the code is looping over and over again and when it does some of those booleans inside if might be false and then code will not run.


    Try using this format, it will serve you better with the looping


    If inventory is not full

    If shop is open

    Purchase items


    Interact with shop npc


    State = 1




    In your code you are interacting first with the npc and then checking if the shop is open. In the next loop it will try to interact with the npc even though the shop is already open.


    thank you guys that was the problem. i wrote that after staying up like 24 hours and now that I've woken up the next day I can tell doing it that way was a terrible idea lol

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