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    What do you guys think? Should Jagex make OSRS their main game?


    I mean RS3 is clearly going downhill, and in my opinion, its horrible. The introduction of legacy mode didn't do anything, dual wielding is just a let down.




    That'll never happen. RS3 still has way more active players than OSRS because 60% of OSRS are bots


    That'll never happen. RS3 still has way more active players than OSRS because 60% of OSRS are bots


    60%? I doubt it. Where are you getting these statistics? 


    60%? I doubt it. Where are you getting these statistics? 

    umm it's so obvious. look at the prices of bonds now.


    bonds > bots > the population of osrs


    umm it's so obvious. look at the prices of bonds now.


    bonds > bots > the population of osrs


    Obvious that the percentage of bots on osrs is 60%? I'd doubt that more half of the playerbase is actually bots, considering how good their bot detection and banning system is at the moment.


    Bond prices are relative to the exchange rate, which is relative to the amount of gold present in 07. There are very little moneysinks so as 07 gold increases in amount, the rate between 07 and RS3 gets less and less. Bots add items into the game, I don't see how their adding more coins into the game unless they are all alching. 


    Obvious that the percentage of bots on osrs is 60%? I'd doubt that more half of the playerbase is actually bots, considering how good their bot detection and banning system is at the moment.


    Bond prices are relative to the exchange rate, which is relative to the amount of gold present in 07. There are very little moneysinks so as 07 gold increases in amount, the rate between 07 and RS3 gets less and less. Bots add items into the game, I don't see how their adding more coins into the game unless they are all alching. 


    IS that why gold price is so much lower? adding more items = adding more money = more gold created = gp costs less. Such as mort myre fungus picking. It's not all from alching


    If their bot detection is so good, how come I just got 50 att 50 str and 64 range in 3 days botting ROCK CRABS. pretty sure their bot detection isn't that great.


    IS that why gold price is so much lower? adding more items = adding more money = more gold created = gp costs less. Such as mort myre fungus picking. It's not all from alching


    If their bot detection is so good, how come I just got 50 att 50 str and 64 range in 3 days botting ROCK CRABS. pretty sure their bot detection isn't that great.


    Adding more items doesn't necessarily mean adding more money, it just means adding more items. I don't see how gathering yews directly adds more cash into the game. The money is just being transferred from account to account, but the actual gold count isn't going up unless, as I said, people were botting things that allow cash to be DIRECTLY generated into the game. I'm not too familiar with mort myre fungus picking, does botting fungus picking directly add cash into the game?


    I can't explain how you get 50 atk 50 str 61 range in 3 days of botting, either you got lucky or a delayed ban is coming. I've witnessed first hand in the past few weeks the banning of multiple of my accounts doing things such as yew chopping, etc.


    When you say 60% bots, are you referring to the type of bots that never have any human interaction? 60% of them are all goldfarmers? Or are you including the percentage of people who bot their main accounts, but play legitimately as well? 


    Adding more items doesn't necessarily mean adding more money, it just means adding more items. I don't see how gathering yews directly adds more cash into the game. The money is just being transferred from account to account, but the actual gold count isn't going up unless, as I said, people were botting things that allow cash to be DIRECTLY generated into the game. I'm not too familiar with mort myre fungus picking, does botting fungus picking directly add cash into the game?


    I can't explain how you get 50 atk 50 str 61 range in 3 days of botting, either you got lucky or a delayed ban is coming. I've witnessed first hand in the past few weeks the banning of multiple of my accounts doing things such as yew chopping, etc.


    When you say 60% bots, are you referring to the type of bots that never have any human interaction? 60% of them are all goldfarmers? Or are you including the percentage of people who bot their main accounts, but play legitimately as well? 

    60% of the population of OSRS are people who are botting/ have botted in the past/ gold farmers who bot on other accounts/ and the people who bot with babysitting with human interactions.


    If you think about it, gold prices would be so much more expensive if every bot in the game got banned and botting was extinct. 


    60% of the population of OSRS are people who are botting/ have botted in the past/ gold farmers who bot on other accounts/ and the people who bot with babysitting with human interactions.


    If you think about it, gold prices would be so much more expensive if every bot in the game got banned and botting was extinct. 


    Oh then theres no doubt that 60% or more of the population have at least botted in the past. This game was released almost 2 years ago, no way would people want to start over legitimately (at least, most people would bot). 


    umm it's so obvious. look at the prices of bonds now.


    bonds > bots > the population of osrs

    Bots have negligible impact on bond prices compared to the recent treasure hunter promotions, and the announcement that membership prices will be increasing.


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