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    8 am classes 3 days a week.


    16 credits:

    Data structures and algorithm analysis

    Differential equations 2 

    Discrete and combinatorial algebra 

    Physics 2 


    Job ~10 hours per week 


    Anyone else have a fun winter ahead?


    Mine is great, I would complain about 18 hours in my part time job/week but the money is coming in so I cant :P


    Hmm. It's alright. I mean my senior year is pretty shit but once im done with these AP classes ( Calculus, Physics, Chemistry ) I'll be taking much more easy classes




    CSCA48H3 S Intro to Computer Science II LEC 02 TUT 0005 

    ENGA11H3 S 20th C. Lit & Film: 1945-Today LEC 01 

    MATA23H3 S Linear Algebra I LEC 01 TUT 0011 

    MATA37H3 S Calculus II for Mathematic Sci LEC 01 TUT 0007 

    PSYA02H3 S Intro Psychology:Part II LEC 99 (Online) (Times TBA) 


    You have a job and are pursuing higher education.

    Unless you also have Ebola, you shouldn't be complaining right now.


    I can show some compassion with regard to the 8AM classes however.


    I work 36-40 hours a week, and I'm currently taking 14 credits (death)


    Thank god I'm not taking any kind of math yet. :unsure:  


    That's pussy shit y'all



    Enterprise Telecommunications - NTEN 207
    Virtualization For Ent SysAdms - NTEN 211
    Data Communications - NTEN 216
    Routing and Switching II - NTEN 217
    Linux Server Management - NTEN 219
    Fund of Wireless Networking - NTEN 221

    And as you can see most of it is lab time, designated by the L01... And I've got a Salto card to access the lab on weekends and evenings after class, which is done often.


    That's pussy shit y'all





    Enterprise Telecommunications - NTEN 207

    Virtualization For Ent SysAdms - NTEN 211

    Data Communications - NTEN 216

    Routing and Switching II - NTEN 217

    Linux Server Management - NTEN 219

    Fund of Wireless Networking - NTEN 221


    And as you can see most of it is lab time, designated by the L01... And I've got a Salto card to access the lab on weekends and evenings after class, which is done often.


    Damn, can we switch timetables? You can take my Calculus and all of its ungodly madness that comes with it.


    Jesus Christ.


    My schedule for my next term is 


    Every monday/wedneday class starts at 12:45 AM, ends at 7PM. Only 3 classes though, a 2 and 4 hour break in between the classes


    Tuesday/thurday my class starts at 9:15am ends at 2 pm. 3 classes straight tho with minimal break.


    I guess you could say my life is pretty chill. Finance major here


    Damn, can we switch timetables? You can take my Calculus and all of its ungodly madness that comes with it.

    And you are still in calc 2, wait until calc 3. Triple integrals, salt tank problems, etc.


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