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    I have a few moneymakers that I like to do manually, as I do enjoy playing this game a lot. 

    Some of these methods require me to run for about 2 minutes in total for each run. I need to redeem 2 items, to get a full inventory back, effectively doubling my money each time. What I need is a mule, or a chain of mules, that is able to trade from me, the output, to the bank, the input. But at the same time, I also want the mules to bring me more of what I need to redeem, so for every trade, they should bring me a new set of items to redeem. Does this makes sense to you? effectively, what I aim to achieve with this, is to redeem at a much higher pace than when running back and forth each time. If I have not made myself clear enough, please ask. 

    I have looked a little for an already existing script, but they seem to all connect directly with other scripts. I need a standalone muling script that can mule to any bank, and between any players, and is able to both give a set amount of specified items, as well as receive the items to be banked. Thanks

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