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  • How is DBL on iMac (M1 or M2)


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    Hi would like to ask community that use iMac's for DBL with M1 or M2 processor. I'm running my pc but feel like I'm going wear my 13900k and 4090. Looking for alternative and debating if I should try a Mac mini or build something cheap like an i7 with a rtx 3060 and like 16gb ram, witch I find to cost the same as a Mac mini M2 ($600).

    Any one welcome to respond,  but if you have tried it on both pc and Apple, please let me know the difference. 

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    If you're deciding between an iMac with M1 or M2 processors and a PC with an i7 and RTX 3060 for running DreamBot, here are key points to consider:

    Both options offer strong performance, with the M1/M2 processors being efficient and powerful for macOS tasks, while the i7 and RTX 3060 combo provides robust performance on Windows. Your choice should consider your preference for macOS or Windows, as DreamBot primarily runs on Windows, although it can be used on macOS with workarounds. Cost-wise, a PC build with an i7 and RTX 3060 can be comparable in price to a Mac mini with M2, so budget considerations are essential.


    Thank you

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