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    why do all the bots still taking money from mule i did 1200 rebuy for stock they constantly taking money from my mule if i was goign sleeping now and tomorrow wake up all bots bans you guys refund???????


    support this script good please or dont share it here on dreambot


    dude this script are buying d hide when he dont get for him price they constantly taking gold from my mule each acc 100m 


    if i get banned you guys gonna refund me 

    you publish not good scripts

    why hey taking instantly gold@@!J




    if this not fixed i want refund 

    i never come back to dreambot agian


    they cant buy the hides then getting instantly non stop gold from my mule each bot 100m 


    they ingerore me on discord


    dude i watch when they put on g.e for them price and not selling he go to mule

    taking money  form mule and doing nothing dude

    only taking money 

    really amateur


    if i get banned i want from all accs refund

    why they getting only money from my f!@@@ mule?

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