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  • F2P Trade Unlocker


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    F2P Trade Unlocker

    Unlocks trade in F2P OSRS by killin mobs, sittin on ass, and starting another free script that does quests. Requires subscribing to tmp's 10 QP on SDN unless account already has 10 QP.


    List of features (red indicates NOT currently supported but probably in the future):

    If script sees total level less than 100, it randomly picks an activity to do and sets a time limit to do it for, then completes activity and re-rolls

    Melee training: switches attack styles, equips best scimitar if have any or picks up iron dagger, attacks chikken and cow depending on lvl,drink str potions and eat food in invy at new setpoint every time

    Woodcutting + firemaking training: gets best axe if have any or picks up bronze axe, gets tinderbox from Old Wizard upstairs in Draynor if needed, then goes to chop trees and light them on fire.

    Fishing + cooking training: gets best axe, tinderbox, small fishing net from lumby, and starts fishing and cooking at draynor, using anyones nearby fire or making your own. Skips this if combat lvl less than 14 due to Wizards AIDS.

    Mining + smelting + smithing: Gets best pickaxe or bronze pick from falador and powerlevels mining until lvl 15 then completes Doric's quest for his anvils and proceed to mines copper + tin in rimmington, smelts it in falador, then smiths it at Doric's anvils, then banks and repeats until can mine + smelt iron.🙂

    Sitting on ass: Goes to a quiet spot and sits on ass

    Questing: starts Ernest The Chikken quest by talking to veronica one time then starts tmp's 10 QP. Shouts out to tmp for awesome script but Jagex© changed the initial quest step on this quest of RuneScape® and unfortunately tmp hasn't updated it as of 8/14/2022


    Instructions How To Run This Script

    1. Go to my project on Github for this script: https://github.com/Dreambotter420/TradeUnlocker
    2. Clone code -> download as ZIP -> extract prebuilt .jar to dreambot scripts folder or extract source code then build/compile
    3. Subscribe to tmp's 10 QP here by going to the Dreambot SDN and searching for it and subscribe to it: https://sdn.dreambot.org/scripts
    4. Launch script via quickstart or by launching DBLauncher.jar and selecting script in client
    Edited by 420x69x420
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    • 3 weeks later...

    Update: changed compiled .jar file from JDK 11 to JDK 8 to give compatibility for users not having JDK 11+. Also changed order of operations from skills -> idle -> quests to idle -> skills -> quests

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