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  • Quest()


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    Not sure if it's a bug or intentional or what, but none of the Quest() methods work if you have any sub tabs selected in the Quest tab (like diaries for example) to get around it I'm simply checking if widgetchild(399,1) is visible (the one that has text "quest list" when the sub tab "Quest List" is selected) if not visable, interact with widgetchild(629,8) <- that's the "Quest List" sub tab widget. Once that sub tab within the quest tab is selected, all the Quest() methods work. (Like "isFinished()") I can post actual code if this doesn't make sense.

    I noticed javajocs says Quest() is deprecated, should I be using something else?

    Edited by Tier3
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    After the update yesterday my "fix" stopped working, not sure if Widgets...isVisable() wasn't working or what, but I had to change it to the following; [Just note it will still click the Main Quest tab icon if the Quest List sub tab is already open, I guess I could add a parent check or something, just lazy haha]

    if (Tabs.open(Tab.QUEST)) {
    	WidgetChild quest = Widgets.getMatchingWidget(m -> m != null && m.hasAction("Quest List") && m.isVisible());
    		if (quest != null) {
    			quest.interact("Quest List");
    			MethodProvider.sleep(Calculations.random(550, 900));
    Edited by Tier3
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    I'm not sure why I can't type below my Code block in previous post, so apologies. But this is the old code that was not working after yesterday's update;

    if (Tabs.open(Tab.QUEST) {
    	if (!Widgets.getChildWidget(399, 1).isVisible()) {
    		if (Widgets.getChildWidget(629, 8).isVisible()) {
    			if (Widgets.getChildWidget(629, 8).interact("Quest List")) {
    				MethodProvider.sleep(Calculations.random(850, 1300));

    WidgetChild (629,8) is the small Quest List sub icon [Blue star in between gray star and green star] and WidgetChild (399,1) is the Text "Quest List" when (and only when) the Quest list sub tab is open, it does not appear (at least in the Game Explorer) when any of the other 4 sub tabs are open;


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