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    Hi, so I'm not sure how to start walking on a web node path. I have created an array of AbstractWebNodes that contain all the nodes I need to walk from the GE to where I'm going. I just don't know how to start my player walking on that path. I looked everywhere and didn't find this info. Any help is much appreciated :)

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    5 hours ago, treezz said:

    I just don't know how to start my player walking on that path


    5 hours ago, treezz said:

    I have created an array of AbstractWebNodes that contain all the nodes I need to walk from the GE to where I'm going

    most of the map, including the ge is already mapped out by dreambot, if you are walking to a dungeon that is unmapped you can make a customwebpath & connect it to the closest pre made webnode, but all the way from the ge to wherever might cause some issues

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