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  • Script starts adding a new player to friends list while it is supposed to delete a player from friends list.


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    How do I make the script wait until it has finished removing the player before starting to add a new one? For some reason it will add players without problem but it refuses to remove the player afterwards. I have tried to make the thread sleep after the add friend method is called but it still just skips deleting the friend entirely and clicks on the add new friend button and starts adding another player.

    import org.dreambot.api.methods.friend.*;
    List<Player> players = Players.all();
    players.forEach(player -> {
      Friend PlayerFriend = Friends.getFriend(player.getName());
      boolean playerIsOnline = PlayerFriend.isOnline();


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    Okay I made it work by calling the method twice, is this a bug @Pandemic


    This worked



    This did not work

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    @Pandemic I spent an hour debugging and I tried to add sleep calls up to 3 seconds  everywhere. Like after it added the player etc, the only thing I could do to make it work was to run the method twice. If it does not work with a 3 seconds delay it should not work by running the method twice as I assume it goes much faster than 3 seconds.

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