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  • Selling 40/40/40 combat accaunt


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    https://prnt.sc/26v4bup << Login screen
    https://prnt.sc/26v4bzu << Bank loot
    https://prnt.sc/26v4ceg << Stats

    Quest points:14
    Cook Assistant
    Ernest The chicken
    The Restless Ghost
    Romeo & Juliet
    Vampyre Slayer

    More info:
    Account is rested for 3  days (sorry on log screen missed on 1st attend)
    No trade restrictions
    Tutorial island was done by hand, everything else botted
    Sole owner created myself
    No bans
    Unregistered e-mail address

    Payment: Paypal, coinbase or OSRC GP

    PM me for more info or price and have a nice day :)

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