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  • Extending the NPC model


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    Hey was wondering if anyone came up with a solution for this. So what I want to do is to extend the NPC model to have my specific methods for it as

    public class ExtNpc extends NPC {
    	public ExtNpc(final NPC reference) {
    	public void attack() {
    	public boolean isDead() {
    		return getHealthPercent() == 0;
    	public boolean isUnderAttack(final Character character) {
    		return !character.isInteracting(this);

    but the problem is that it doesn't work as supposed and throws null pointers at times or has bad reference. Any ideas on this?

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    Well I believe that doing so will help save some time in the future and have a single point of access to do specific action which would help me to refactor or introduce new logic if needed.

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