Zawy 1005 Posted October 15, 2021 (edited) | All 23 skills in one script | 86 Quests (F2P/P2P) | 12 Minigames | 22 Money making methods included | Smart Desktop & Discord Notifications | Customised profiles | ONLY $119,95 Lifetime for around $300+ worth of scripts. Grab a free trial now: Join the Dreamy Scripts Discord and get notified on updates,new releases & giveaways Welcome to Dreamy AIO Skiller Elite, Are you searching for a script that can train your skills, do minigames, make money and complete quests? Look no further. This script contains 23 skills in one script, 12 minigames, 22 amazing money making methods AND 86 quests. Please read all below to understand why this script is so awesome Scroll down to see the MANY 99's and 200M EXP people have reached with this script! The following scripts are included: Woodcutting Fishing Mining Cooking Fletching Smithing Crafting Herblore Thieving RuneCrafting Prayer Construction Firemaking Agility Magic Attack Strength Defence Hitpoints Ranged Hunting Farming Slayer Questing (See below for the currently added quests) Minigames (See below for the currently added minigames) Money making(See below for the currently added money making methods) Misc (Dreamy Walker & Dreamy Stronghold completer) How to setup discord notifications: Spoiler Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Example of the discord notifications How to setup profiles: Spoiler Step 1: Fill in your settings and click Save profile. Step 3: Click load profile or use CLI. CLI: start java -jar C:\Users\YOUR_USER\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Dreamy AIO Skiller Elite" -params "prayer" "profile_name" Two params are needed: 1) Script param. Woodcutting Prayer Smithing Mining Thieving Construction Firemaking Fishing Fletching Runecrafting Smithing Crafting Magic Hunting Cooking Agility Fighter 2) .json path. Dreamy Woodcutting Universal Chopping: Chop trees virtually anywhere! Efficient Task System: Manage and automate tasks with ease. Auto-Dropping: Automatically drop unwanted items to free up inventory space. Banking Support: Seamlessly bank your items for continued chopping. Bird's Nest Pickup: Automatically collect bird's nests while chopping. Easy Setup: Quick and simple to configure—get started in no time. Worldhopping Features: No Tree in Area: Hop to a new world when no trees are available. Player Count Detection: Worldhop when a specific number of players are in the area. Timed Worldhopping: Hop after a set amount of minutes for maximum efficiency. Upgrade Axe Option: Automatically upgrade your axe via the Grand Exchange or bank. Deposit Box Support: Utilize deposit boxes for fast item storage. Fletching Logs to Arrowshafts: Automatically convert logs into arrow shafts. Stop Conditions: Stop chopping after a certain amount of time or upon reaching a set level. Dreamy Fishing Preset Locations: Save and quickly access predefined locations for your activities. Auto Restocking: Automatically restock your supplies to keep things running smoothly. Advanced Task System: Efficiently manage and automate tasks with customizable options. Custom Locations: Set your own custom locations for greater flexibility. Randomized Dropping: Automatically drop items in a random order. Harpoon Special Attack: Utilize the harpoon’s special attack for enhanced efficiency. Stop Conditions: Automatically stop tasks based on customizable settings (time, level, etc.). Cooking Fish: Support for cooking fish across multiple ranges, with optimal efficiency. Deposit Box Support: Easily use deposit boxes for quick item storage. 3-Tick Action Support: 3-ticking using Guam leaf, Pestle & Mortar, and Swamp Tar. Secret & Infernal Eels: Catch Secret and Infernal Eels. Dreamy Mining Powermining Task system Custom locations Stop settings Rune,Amethyst & sandstone supported Worldhopping (P2P/F2P) Worldhop X amount of players in area. Worldhop after X amount of minutes. Dragon pickaxe special attack Save/load profiles Random dropping order Automatic Pickaxe upgrading (Will check the bank first then purchase the pickaxe in the G.E) Dreamy Cooking Almost All food: All food in the game supported. Preset Locations: Save and quickly access predefined locations for your activities. Auto Restocking: Automatically restock your supplies to keep things running smoothly. Advanced Task System: Efficiently manage and automate tasks with customizable options. 2-Tick Precision: Executes food actions with 2-tick timing for faster experience. Stop Settings: Set conditions to stop food usage or restocking. Quickstart Profiles: Save profiles for different activities and easily switch between them. Dreamy Fletching Fletches All Logs: Automatically fletches all types of logs into arrow shafts, bows. Strings Bows: Strings all types of bows. Makes All Darts: Creates every type of dart (metal, rune, etc.). Makes All Arrows: Creates all arrows. Makes All Bolts: Fletches all types of bolts, including broad, rune, and more. Crafts All Javelins: Creates all javelins, from bronze to rune. Makes All Crossbows: Creates every type of crossbow. Cuts All Gems: Cuts all gems. Auto Restocking: Automatically restock your supplies to keep things running smoothly. Stop Settings: Set conditions to stop food usage or restocking. Quickstart Profiles: Save profiles for different activities and easily switch between them. Dreamy Smithing Smith all Items: Create all items from the smelted bars. Smelt all Bars: Automatically smelt all ores into bars Automatic Restocking: Stay fully equipped with automatic item restocking when needed. Advanced Task System: Queue multiple rooftop-based tasks and let the system manage them efficiently. Tasks can be queued based on levels or runtime, ensuring you progress through objectives in an optimized order. Customizable Profiles & Quickstart Options: Personalize your gameplay with custom profiles and take advantage of quickstart features, enabling you to get into action quickly and efficiently. Dreamy Crafting All Gem Cutting:Support for cutting all types of gems, including uncut zenyte and more, for crafting and other uses. All Leather Crafting:Full support for crafting all types of leather items. Costume Needle support: This script will detect if you have the costume needle and use it. Bow Stringing:Automatically string bows. Glassblowing:Craft glass items such as vials, orbs, and other useful tools through the glassblowing process. Jewelry Crafting:Create a variety of jewelry items, including rings, necklaces, and amulets. Battlestaff Crafting:Automatically craft battlestaffs. Auto Stop Settings (Level & Supplies):Automatically stop tasks when a specified level is reached or when you run out of supplies, ensuring efficient resource management. Automatic Supply Restocking:Keep your inventory stocked with essential materials through automatic restocking, preventing interruptions in your activities. Advanced Task System:Manage and automate tasks with a dynamic task system that queues and prioritizes tasks based on your current level or runtime. Dreamy Herblore Clean All Herbs: Automatically cleans all herbs in your inventory for efficient Herblore training. Make All Potions: Automatically crafts all possible potions. Make All Unfinished Potions: Creates all unfinished potions. Smart Inventory Clicking: Optimized clicking for inventory management (Vertical, Horizontal, or Line-based organization). Human-Like Behavior: Mimics realistic clicking patterns to reduce the risk of detection. Stop Settings: Customizable stop conditions, such as levels, time limits, or when out of supplies. Restocking Supplies: Automatically restocks all necessary Herblore materials, including herbs, vials, and secondary ingredients. Advanced Task System:Manage and automate tasks with a dynamic task system that queues and prioritizes tasks based on your current level or runtime. Dreamy Thieving Pickpocketing & Coin Pack Opening: Automatically pickpockets NPCs and opens coin packs. Blackjacking: Fully automates the Blackjacking method, including tick perfect knocking out NPCs and pickpocketing them for efficient XP. Steal from Stalls: Supports stealing from a variety of stalls. Smart Safe Spot System: Detects and uses safe spots for stealing from stalls to minimize risk. Custom Eating: Automatically eats food based on custom settings (food type, amount, and health threshold). Smart Banking: Automatically banks loot and restocks necessary supplies. Shadow Veil Activation: Uses a rune pouch in your inventory to cast Shadow Veil, reducing detection while pickpocketing. Human-Like Behavior: Mimics realistic clicking patterns to reduce the risk of detection. Advanced Task System:Manage and automate tasks with a dynamic task system that queues and prioritizes tasks based on your current level or runtime. Restocking: Automatically restocks food, dodgy necklaces, and other supplies as needed for uninterrupted training. Dodgy Necklaces: Uses Dodgy Necklaces to reduce the chance of getting caught while pickpocketing. Stop Settings: Customizable stop conditions such as levels, time limits, or when out of supplies. Dreamy Runecrafting All normal altars supported. Ring of dueling(8) teleport method supported for fire runes. Energy/stamina/antidote++ potions supported. Choose between rune or pure essence. Human behavior. Stop settings at X level reached. Progressive mode. Pouches (in progress) Grand exchange supported, will buy more essence automatically. Please have enough gold in your bank. Dreamy Prayer All bones are supported. Task system. Gilded altar support. Own house support. Friend's house support. Phails unnoting supported (Currently the only banking option ) Normal burying bones. Human behavior. Stop settings for friend's house, Out of bones using phails method. Stop settings at X level reached. Dreamy Construction: Advanced Task System:Manage and automate tasks with a dynamic task system that queues and prioritizes tasks based on your current level or runtime. Restocking: Automatically restocks planks and other necessary materials for uninterrupted training. Phials Unnoting Service: Uses the Phials shop unnoting service to convert noted planks to unnoted for continuous use. Stop Settings: Set specific stop conditions, such as when a certain level is reached, the time limit is up, or when out of planks. Profiles & Quickstart: Save and load custom profiles to quickly start different Construction setups with one click. Dreamy Firemaking: All logs supported. Custom locations. Preset locations. Progressive mode. Stop settings. Restocking. Task system. Human behavior. Dreamy Agility: 18 Supported Courses: 18 agility courses. Rooftops/normal courses/wyrm course Comprehensive Food Support: Almost all food types are supported. Banking Access: Easily access your bank at the nearest bank location. Stamina System: Efficient stamina management. Automatic Restocking: Stay fully equipped with automatic item restocking when needed. Customizable Profiles & Quickstart Options: Personalize your gameplay with custom profiles and take advantage of quickstart features, enabling you to get into action quickly and efficiently. Advanced Task System: Queue multiple tasks with the task system. Tasks can be queued based on levels or runtime, ensuring you progress through objectives in an optimized order. Graceful Item Auto-Purchase: Automatically purchase graceful items when required. (Optional) Courses: (Level 10) Draynor ✓ (Level 20) Al-Kharid ✓ (Level 30) Varrock ✓ (Level 35) Barbarian outpost ✓ (Level 40) Canifis ✓ (Level 48) Ape Atoll ✓ (Level 48) Shayzien Beginner ✓ (Level 64) Shayzien Advanced ✓ (Level 50) Falador ✓ (Level 50) Varlamore✓ (Level 62) Varlamore✓ (Level 52) Wilderness course ✓ (Level 60) Seers' Village ✓ (Level 60) Werewolf course✓ (Level 70) Pollnivneach ✓ (Level 75) Prifddinas ✓ (Level 80) Rellekka ✓ (Level 90) Ardougne ✓ Dreamy Magic: Restocking Task system Automatically spellbook swapping Teleporting Alching 1 Tick enchanting Stringing jewellery Humidify Planking Splashing Superheating Degrime Dreamy AIO Fighter: Attack almost every NPC(s) Multi attacking. Automatic looting table. Potions supported. Banking supported. Custom area's. Custom looting. Loot all items over X gp. Special attack supported. Bury bones supported. Quick prayer supported. Much much more. Dreamy Crabs: Able to kill Sand crabs/rock crabs. Banking supported. Food supported. Potions supported. Special attack supported. Combat style switching. Dreamy Quester: Currently 86 quests supported. Quests queue supported. Discord notification's when a quest is completed. Start the script with 300k in your bank or else the script can't use the G.E. Quests supported: Spoiler Tutorial Island Cook's Assistant Rune mysteries Romeo & Juliet Sheep Shearer The Restless Ghost Ernest The Chicken Vampire slayer Goblin Diplomacy Imp catcher Witch's Potion Doric's quest. Pirate's Treasure X Marks the Spot Black Knights' Fortress Monk's Friend Druidic Ritual Fishing Contest Sea Slug Lost City Witch's House Death plateau Gertrude's Cat Clock Tower Jungle Potion Dwarf Cannon Fight Arena Murder Mystery Hazeel Cult Priest in Peril Waterfall Quest Tree Gnome Village Animal Magnetism Plague City Big Chompy Bird Hunting Elemental Workshop Enter the Abyss Skippy and the Mogres Daddy's Home Rfd Cook Rfd Dwarf Rfd Goblin Rfd Lumbridge Guide Biohazard Nature spirit The grand Tree Tribal Totem The Golem Troll Stronghold Shades of Mort'on. The Feud. Client Of Kourend Prince Ali Rescue Demon Slayer Dragon Slayer I The Knight's Sword The Dig Site A Porcine Of Interest Making History Getting Ahead Below Ice Mountain Temple of Eye What lies below Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl Tears of Guthix The Queen of Thieves Horror from the Deep Scorpion Catcher Varrock Diary Easy Lumbridge Diary Easy Falador Diary Easy Ardougne Diary Easy Karamja Diary Easy Wildy Diary Easy Natural Museum Quiz Corsair Curse Creature of Fenkenstrain Shield of Arrav Merlin's Crystal Holy Grail The Hand in the Sand Shadow of the Storm Temple of Ikov Observatory Quest The Lost Tribe Mage Arena I The following minigames are added: Dreamy Pest Control.(Start at the Pest control bank) Dreamy Blast Furnace.(Start at the blast furnace bank) Dreamy Ranged Guild.(Start at the Ranged Guild) Dreamy Castle Wars.(Start at Castle Wars) Dreamy Nightmarezone.(Start at the yanille bank/nmz area. Dreamy Wintertodt.(Start at the wintertodt bank) Dreamy Tempoross.(Start at the tempoross minigame) Dreamy Trawlers.(Start at the trawler minigame) Dreamy Motherlode mining(Start at the motherlode mine) Dreamy Chompy(Start at castle wars bank with Ogre bellows in your inventory). Dreamy Mahogany Homes (Items required: Varrock teleport tabs,falador teleport tabs, ardougne teleport tabs,skills necklace,planks,saw and hammer) Dreamy Defenders. Dreamy Money making: Air orbs (Start in edgeville with glory(6) and supplies in your bank). Tab Maker Tanner Plank maker Plank collector: Start at Barbarian outpost. Enchanter: Start at any bank with cosmic runes in your inventory and required staff for the spell. Cannonballer: Start at Edgeville with mould in your inventory. Climbing boots collector: Start at Start at Barbarian outpost with coins in your inventory and games necklace(8) in bank. Item combiner: Start at any bank with required items in the bank. Bow stringer: Start at Lumbridge bank with flax in your inventory or bank. Shopper: Start with shop open at ANY location. Winegrabber: Start at falador with law & water runes in inventory(Air staff equipped). Spider's eggs collector (Start at Ferox enclave with duel rings & skills necklace in your bank, this script NEED atleast 43 prayer). Dreamy Tinderbox collector Dreamy Dough maker Spider's eggs collector Sewers (Have a knife and food in your bank/inventory). Dreamy Hunting: All birds: Crimson swift Golden warblers Copper longtails Cerulean twitches Tropical wagtail Butterflies: Ruby Harvest Sapphire glacialis Snowy knight Black warlock Chinchompas: Grey chinchompa Red chinchompa Kebbits: Spotted kebbit Dark kebbit Dashing kebbit Features: Birds Chinchompas Butterflies Kebbits Smart trap system Anti-crash Dropping Banking Stop settings (After X mins & Level) Dreamy Farming: Tithe farming minigame (Currently 8 rows added, more coming later.). Dreamy Slayer: Features: Supports Slayer Masters: Spria, Turael, Mazchna, Vannaka, Nieve, and Duradel. Superior monsters are supported. Auto-relocates house to Ardougne (for Duradel tasks). Full potion support, including decanting. Comprehensive task management system. Automatic restocking of essential items. Decanting for both amulets and potions. Barrows gear fixing. Purchase slayer rewards from slayer masters. Purchase slayer finishers from slayer masters. Cancel tasks. Reset tasks at Turael. Custom gear handling. 1-tick prayer flicking for maximum efficiency. Looting over 'X' GP. Virtual slayer tasks. Bury any bones. Draggable Advanced loot tracker (Hold right mouse click) Dreamy Spidines: Start the script at Port kharard bank. Features: Kill spidines in tower of life. Stop script when run out of items. Items needed: Raw sardine. Red spiders's eggs. Food. Dreamy Scarabs Instructions: Start the script at the Sophanem Dungeon bank. This script will need a bullseye lantern for the cave. Features: 1-tick prayer flicking. Looting. Potion support. Restocking. Gear handling. Combat style switching. Task system. Advanced loot tracker. Profiles Quickstart Dreamy Druids Instructions: Start the script at any bank. Features: Customised food. Customised looting. Potion support(Range/prayer/super combat). Special attack. Multiple Chaos Druids locations(Edgeville, Falador & Ardougne). Stop settings. Dreamy Monk robe collector Instructions: Start the script anywhere with atleast 31 prayer. Features: Collects monk robes in Edgeville. Dreamy Cadava Collector Instructions: Start the script anywhere. Features: Collects cadava berries in varrock. Dreamy Stronghold completer: - Completes stronghold for 10K & boots. Perfect for new accounts. Dreamy Walker: - Walk to places in the game. @dutchminer Edited yesterday at 01:33 PM by Zawy victorian, BeezyScripts, Squash and 21 others 19 5
SDN Bot 225 Posted October 17, 2021 Dreamy AIO Skiller Elite has been approved and is now live on the SDN!Thanks!
scott_12345 2 Posted October 17, 2021 nice to see everything in one script, I already use the AIO skiller and its amazing so this is soooo nice ❤️ keep it up Zawy 1
Spider 12 Posted October 17, 2021 Sheeesh, attention to detail is insane~ Zawy always providing the community w fiire!! Zawy 1
ghostsaint16 0 Posted October 18, 2021 Besides more quests, what's added on from your "Dreamy AIO Skiller"?
Zawy 1005 Author Posted October 18, 2021 5 hours ago, ghostsaint16 said: Besides more quests, what's added on from your "Dreamy AIO Skiller"? 9 more minigames.
SDN Bot 225 Posted October 18, 2021 Dreamy AIO Skiller Elite has been updated and is now live on the SDN!It's currently at v4.481 and is available in the client!Changes:Added new minigame: motherlode mining.Thanks!
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