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  • Open Equipment stats screen?


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    I'm working on a tutorial island completer and one of the steps after smithing is to open your equipment tab, then the equipment stats screen.

    I can't find in the API how to open this equipment stats screen?

    So I'm looking through the API, I found widgets and menus. I believe the widget is 387, but I don't know how to click on that widget. I can only tell when it's on the screen. It also seems the Menu class is totally deprecated, I don't see a way to get a menu.



    If you still can't find it

    if(!Tabs.isOpen(Tab.EQUIPMENT)) {
        sleepUntil(() -> (Tabs.isOpen(Tab.EQUIPMENT)), 16000);

    Ok so that is for the equipment tab not what I was looking for. When you are on the equipment tab, you need to open the equipment stats menu. I was able to find the widget and manually interact with it. Also worth noting. The Tab.open(x) doesn't work for the first time opening. I assume it's because it's flashing. Opening by interacting with the widgets worked though, only problem is depending on the screen layout the widget ID change. resizable, vs classic etc.

    This is what I use to open the equipment stats screen and close it for anyone in the future.

            WidgetChild a = Widgets.getWidgetChild(387,2);//Combat stats widget from Equip Tab
            if(a != null && a.isVisible()) {
            WidgetChild b = Widgets.getWidgetChild(84,3,11);//Close combat stats widget
            if(b != null && b.isVisible()) {



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